Job offer: Save our EP! (5 songs)

You'll have the same problem with Dropbox! Those services aren't concepted to share large files.
It's better to upload it to some file share service of some sort!
From what I gather dropbox has 20 gb bandwidth limit per day, while has 10 gb per MONTH. I think dropbox should do fine - it's a 430 mb archive, after all.
My apologies if this isn't too good, but it's all I could do within the spare time I had, which was probably about 2 - 3 hours. But for my tastes in that kind of music, this is the kind of mix I went for :)
I didn't use the drum midi because for some reason is wasn't in the download for me :\ So who knows what happened there. But alas, here's my attempt anyway! I like the song, so this was a nice break from what I'm currently working.
No automation yet though, but I'd be all over that if I had the chance to work on this properly haha. mix.mp3
My apologies if this isn't too good, but it's all I could do within the spare time I had, which was probably about 2 - 3 hours. But for my tastes in that kind of music, this is the kind of mix I went for :)
I didn't use the drum midi because for some reason is wasn't in the download for me : So who knows what happened there. But alas, here's my attempt anyway! I like the song, so this was a nice break from what I'm currently working.
No automation yet though, but I'd be all over that if I had the chance to work on this properly haha.

Nice work, Melb!
When its the deadline?
cuz i have to spend the next 2/3 days painting my sister´s house :S
I hate you, guys! The guitarist just went to Greece for a month. Today. Can't you just work some magic with those guitars? :waah:

If we're going to re-track the guitars... Probably we'll have at least till the end of August. If not, I dunno - August 10-15. :mad:

I think I have 6-7 more takes of those solos in the reaper projects from the studio. Hopefully some of those will be better. I'm talking about the out of tune stuff. If not, won't melodyne do the trick? Or we can just make the solos really quiet? The guitarist won't be happy when he comes back but who cares. :kickass:
About the sound - that's how he likes them.