Joe Meek TwinQ

Aaron Smith

Envisage Audio
Feb 10, 2006
Seattle, WA

Does anyone have any experience with this unit? I just snagged one for $630. I'll let you guys know what I think when it gets here!
I read a lot of really good reviews for it, and it sounds like for master bus usage it's decent. I'll try it out for that obviously, but I'm thinking that I'm going to use it more for vocals and clean guitar, but overheads might be sweet too!
I have one! With iron on on snare and kick you're in lush heaven. So nice :headbang: The compressor is a little sketchy and the EQ is ok. Haven't tried them enough to comment on that. Enjoy it though, its a nice piece! :headbang:
Aaron, Did you get a chance to try it yet? Got a chance to take a look at one in the store today, the sales guy had some pretty good things to say about it(don't they all when they know your interested). Just wanted to see what you thought. I'd like to use it to record DI's and background Vox. Thanks.
Actually it just finally arrived two days ago, and I haven't had a chance to test it yet... I'll report back to this thread as soon as I have a chance, though!