Joe Satriani is so FUCKING good

track nine on surfing :err: You mean midnight? The tapping peice.

It's nice hey, it's not hard to play at all, but it sounds sweet.
Saw him twice on the Dreaming In A Blue World tour, & once on the Surfing tour. Awesome. His stuff may not be that difficult to play, but he's the only one who would have come up with the phrasings, & melodies he did. Some guitarists can shred, some can write songs. Satch can do both. Shredding gets boring, good songs never get old.

actually, some of his legato stuff is ridiculously difficult...

he laid back after surfing tho, which is a pitty.

I almost ALWAYS warm up with Satch Boogie... it's classic
I saw him live. He totally suprised me, mainly because I thought he would be boring. But, I was SO wrong. He just amazed and entertained me! When you're a solo instrumental guitarist, you HAVE to show off.:rolleyes: :worship:
I've never seen him live, but I got his 'Live in San Francisco' DVD. I don't know how you could call him boring, his stage presence and energy is fucken phenomenal. I think you have to be a guitarist to truly appreciate his music.
I saw him live twice and he's f*cking amazing on his guitar,and on the last tour he had Matt Bisonette with him on bass....
He did an amazing bass solo and is so much better then Stu Ham (IMHO)
Gonna listen to Strange Beautiful Music again :)