Joey Belladonna LIVE Interview July 29th!

Jun 21, 2004
Las Vegas, NV currently is syndicated off of a few websites and is ran Live from the LVRocks studios in Nevada.

Former Anthrax member Joey Belladonna will be our guest live Thursday July 29th!

The show starts at 8PM PST (12 EST 9AM GMT) and the interview is about an hour into the two hour show.

The Interview will also be archived a few days after it occurs so anybody who missed it can check it out.

E-mail me @ if there are any questions you want him to be asked on air. Included your name/nickname and location so we can let him know where the questions coming from. Check out the website as well as we will soon have a form submitter to where you can submit questions for him or any othe runterviews we have coming up.

Also, don't hesitate to browse the site for older archived interviews form bands like Winds, Symphorce, Flotsam And Jetsam, and Golem. And feel free to submit any questions for other interviews coming up that you see being advertised on our site!
Fuck yeah you can say bullshit!

You can say horseshit too.

You can also call someone a cocksmuggling motherfucker asshole in a suit if the mood strikes you.

That ends the gratuitous swearing portion of the day.
"Why do you gotta do that, what with the 'effins'? All you gotta do is say 'earmuffs' and you can say anything you want. You can say 'fuck, bitch, shit'.."
"Cock, balls"

Good ole Frank the Tank
CyThrax said:
"Why do you gotta do that, what with the 'effins'? All you gotta do is say 'earmuffs' and you can say anything you want. You can say 'fuck, bitch, shit'.."
"Cock, balls"

Good ole Frank the Tank
Cy - you forgot PISS and DAMN!! :grin:
I'm kinda of embarassed. Been into Anthrax since FOM and failed a trivia question. Those friggin' games in bars actually had the question "What was the name of Joey Belladonna's band before joining Anthrax?" Was it Black Bible?
Kinda run off the topic! The point is whether you have any questions to ask the Has Been Number One!
I have some. "Ehm, Joey, why do the samples of your new record make me wish I´d rather have my nutsack torn wide than listen to it again?"
Can't guarntee that one will make it on air :hypno:

Don't want em to hang up on us now do we :grin:

The Censoring in the messege was for the other boards I pasted the messege to, I'm not gonna type that thing in every forum I post the show about!
all you Carlin fans may have an idea what im about to say, maybe not we'll have to see.

i know a little cheer it goes something like this:
rat shit, bat shit
dirty old twat
69 assholes tied in a knot
hooray, lizard shit, FUCK!