Joey Belladonna talks about solo career + interesting scenario


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
Former ANTHRAX singer Joey Belladonna recently gave an interview to the Yahoo! Group Inside_Out666 about his time with ANTHRAX and his solo career. Several excerpts from the interview follow:

Inside_Out666: I believe the new album "Artifacts I" was originally recorded in 1993 and has now been remastered. Why did you wait so long to release the album?

Joey Belladonna: "Well, it was originally only going to be a demo, but after going on with a career you sometimes reach a point where you think 'Why not, it's great stuff.' It was a great session and I loved doing it. Then, Pauly Crook and I got talking and decided to put it out. It was too damned good to waste. Also, it just wasn't the right time to put it out (1993)."

Inside_Out666: How would you compare the new album to your first solo release "Belladonna"? Can fans expect to hear the old-school ANTHRAX sound on the new album or have you gone in another direction?

Joey Belladonna: "There are some songs that are the same, but the performances and players are just better by far. Everything is better by far. We all wrote the songs and it's easier that way for things to be a lot tighter. On the first record, 'Belladonna', there were some songs written by the performers, but not all of them."

Inside_Out666: After all these years of writing and recording how do you constantly come up with new fresh sounding material without falling into the trap a lot of other bands do by repeating themselves?

Joey Belladonna: "I just have an array of new ideas that are always flowing in my head. I have so many influences that the songs just keep coming along. Of course, when you play with different people you come up with different inspirations and styles."

Inside_Out666: Do you find you have a different approach writing/recording a song now as opposed to your days with ANTHRAX?

Joey Belladonna: "Yeah, because a lot of the time I'm walking into a situation that's all set up to go. With ANTHRAX, I wasn't there for the beginning of each project... the song would already be underway. Now, I do stuff from the beginning and see it through to where I want it to be."

Inside_Out666: Would you ever consider forming a new version of ANTHRAX & recording an album with Danny Spitz, Frankie Bello, Paul Crook & the aid of another drummer?

Joey Belladonna: "Anything like that is always a thought. Scenarios like that always run through my mind. You never know... time will only tell."

(Thanks: Cameron Edney / Inside_Out666)

Can you imagine a band with Belladonna and those former members of Anthrax? That would kill for sure. I am excited just at the thought of it though the reality of it happening is probably far off at this point.
TheGraveDigger said:
Can you imagine a band with Belladonna and those former members of Anthrax? That would kill for sure. I am excited just at the thought of it though the reality of it happening is probably far off at this point.
hahah that would Piss off Scott and Charlie sooooooooooooooooooooooo bad ... and the worst part is they would prolly pull it off better than the Anthrax we have today! ..... I like Joeys's solo work and I'm glad hes still touring and recording:grin:
JonnyD said:
hahah that would Piss off Scott and Charlie sooooooooooooooooooooooo bad ... and the worst part is they would prolly pull it off better than the Anthrax we have today! ..... I like Joeys's solo work and I'm glad hes still touring and recording:grin:
I saw Joey over the summer open for W.A.S.P. and it was friggin amazing. He was the drummer and the vocalist that night. It was amazing to hear my favorite Anthrax song "Medusa" because I know the band won't play it anymore. The audience was going wild and the pit erupted!
TheGraveDigger said:
I saw Joey over the summer open for W.A.S.P. and it was friggin amazing. He was the drummer and the vocalist that night. It was amazing to hear my favorite Anthrax song "Medusa" because I know the band won't play it anymore. The audience was going wild and the pit erupted!
I love Medusa! ..... I almost went to a show on that tour .... had the ticket in my hand but I had to work :erk: But! from what I was told Joey did a fantastic Job!!! ..... I'm Not going to get into a Joey VS John Debate here ... They Both did stuff I loved
JonnyD said:
hahah that would Piss off Scott and Charlie sooooooooooooooooooooooo bad ... and the worst part is they would prolly pull it off better than the Anthrax we have today!
That wouldn't surprise me at all ^_^;

I've been curious as to what Joey's solo material sounds like...hmmmmmm.....
Cool! What style music is it? I've heard titbits from the grapevines it's more Hard Rock orientated (I could be wrong, you know what vague memories are like) and I wouldn't expect it to sound like Anthrax...but do bring us up to speed! :D
Ayeka said:
Cool! What style music is it? I've heard titbits from the grapevines it's more Hard Rock orientated (I could be wrong, you know what vague memories are like) and I wouldn't expect it to sound like Anthrax...but do bring us up to speed! :D
Its Not Hard Rock its Definetly Metal ... Atleast the first one is ... The sound on the first one is Kinda Boxy likeI said it suffers from some Flat Production done by Paul Crook ... The Music doesnt really sound all that much like Anthrax ... umm shit hahaha I'll tell ya what I will find the Cd Rip it and you can down load it and Hear for yourself :rock: