Joey Bellodonna & Dan"Lazy Eye" Spitz Anthrax Cover Band to tour Europe in April 2002


hooters girls rule!
Feb 13, 2002
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Jus wait til' Babberbyotch.cyunt hears about this. Joey Bellodonna, Dan "Lazy Eye" Spitz, Stet Howland and Lonnie Vencent will be touring Europe in April as Bellodonna playing a 9 song set - mostly Anthrax Cover Songs except for a few Bellodonna songs - so they can still bill it as a Bellodonna show. They are timing this to happen in April 2002 to capitalize on the recent increased popularity and attention of the Anthrax name and VH1 Behind The Music Anthrax Special. Just give me John Bush or Neil Turbin. Death to Journey Metal. :puke: :lol:
Even if I could go to Europe for free, and had backstage passes for this great "show", I wouldn't waste my time!
What the hell are these two thinking? Or is someone just pulling my leg?:devil: :devil:

"It would not be difficult, Mein Fuhrer!"
-Dr. Strangelove
Well this sounds to odd to be true however I would not go as far as to call the songs cover songs. As long as they are all Joey era songs I suppose he can sing them with a bit of justification.
Holy S*H*I*T. That is something I never expected to happen... I am from Europe, let´s see if they are coming to my hometown, too. It´s a pity Anthrax didn´t release new album a few months ago! That would mean they´d come to Europe in the same time. Let´s see howmany clubs (yeah I said CLUBS) would these two lame ass whiners pack. And... are you sure they are not supposed to cover SUPERHERO out of the bootleg I´m listening to over and over again? Just joking. Peace.
Till Joey pulled that shit on the killer A's tour I thought he was alright. I do prefer Johns voice more but thinmk Joe's was o.k . After fucking over what few fans he had left. I could give a shit what he does. ya douche. Carrier suicide. As far as Spitz goes fuck that midget, lazy eyed, hobbit lookin, mother fucker.