John vs. Joey: From the gamers perspective


Mar 13, 2002
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This is a thread that could have been started before the all haters - backdafuckup.:Spin:

As a gamer I've noticed a trend. Bush songs are in games w/ great rating scores. Joey songs are not.

Case in point.

Anthrax - 'Crush' is found in 'ATV OFFROAD FURY'. A game that was scored a 9 out of 10 by the almighty at A game considered as one of the best in any genre.

Anthrax - 'Imitation of Life' from 'Backyard Wrestling'. A game that scored a 5.5 out of 10 by the almighty at A game so bad, it should have been shipped in a white box with the word "Fightin'" on the front.

Advantage: Bush era Anthrax.

GregadetH said:
'Bring the Noise' in which niether Joey nor John sang on was in THPS2. Another 9+ score.

Who do we give that one to?

Belladonna, cuz it was originally done while he was still in the band.
GregadetH said:
Nope. His vocals weren't on it. Can't do it.
I know he didn't sing/rap on it. He was in the band still while it was recorded. Imo John Bush doing it later shouldn't count. If anything maybe Bring The Noize shouldn't count, since neither John nor Joey were involved in it's original conception, and just being in the band at the time the song was made dosen't count?
strik9 said:
Madhouse is in Grand Theft Auto Vice City. Which had a high rating. Advantage Belladonna era. :Smug: :rock:

whoa I forgot that one was in that game ( that radio station set for the game sounded alot like ZROCK I would play the game just to sit in the car and listen to its radio
I have this game with Bring The Noise!
Anyway I remember reading some game review in a mag (I can´t give you the name sorry but it was basically car racing shit) and the reviewer wrote in the end that "the recommended soundtrack" from him is Stomp 442 record by Anthrax. I was quite pleased to see it :)
another interesting study that im too lazy to do (maybe someone else will) is look at the movies they did songs for from each era and see which ones pulled in the most at the box office
nafnikufesin said:
No kidding...and Greg bugs us about being nerds when we bitch about Star Wars :lol:

If episode III has a Thrax tune in it, someone let me know, because then I might actually have a reason to go see it :lol:

Hey now, I'm a casual gamer. I just don't drop 40 bucks on crap. Therefore I use and trust the rating system at I'm not all willy nilly over my ps2 like some ppl get over Star Wars, LoTR or fuckin' Star Trek.

What really makes us all nerds is the fact that we come here.:grin:

We try to have a civilized, albeit sily assed discussion and we get completely dumb shit thrown at us like what Ricky Retardo here just posted.

Go listen to Belladonna '3' if your so goddamned into Joey that you can't post descent shit.