jon jeary

If I remember rightly it has been said that he had "done everything he wanted to do" with music. I also think he studied Geology so maybe he's got back into a different type of rock!

So musically probably very little - unless he has picked up his accoustic guitar again. Maybe he'll pop up in the pubs of Staines!
The only information I remember being said about him it's that he sold all his gear and completely quit music. Another thing I remember is that the lyrics of Fragmentation are "Jon saying bye bye to Threshold".

By the way, it would be nice if he shows up someway to celebrate this 20th anniversary. Wouldn't it be a great idea to collect some messages from the fans and asking the band to send them to Jon?
It would be interesting to know if this is just a fan in disguise asking or Jon himself. I was also keen to hear something more about/from him but apparently his decision to stay away from the band members or music is still unchanged, which is such a shame...