Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen

Hammer of Might

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
London, England
Can some of you oldies fill me in on who this guy was/is. As far as I can work out, he was a writer for Slayer mag, but was (or is) a very big name in reviewing etc.?

Did he have other roles in metal like labels, or even his own bands?

I've seen him mentioned in various interviews, but as it's a bit before my time I'm not too sure what went on!
I think his fanzine was very influential.

I never got hold of it though, so sorry.

There is a blurb about him in a couple of LoC chapters.
SLAYER mag is probably the oldest underground zine still going (it IS still going, only it might take a few years between releases) and was pretty important back in the days of Norwegian BM as probably the most credible Norwegian source of extreme metal info

He had a label (now defunct) called HEAD NOT FOUND... He released lots of Norwegian stuff like early ULVER, TROLL, TRELLDOM, EMPEROR, GEHENNA, FORLORN, THE 3RD AND THE MORTAL...
He was very helpful in creating and solidifying the original Norwegian/Swedish black metal scene through his self-published Slayer magazine.