Jon Stewart tells the assholes on Crossfire what assholes they are!

Typical of most people of the liberal persuasion: They are all for free speech---unless they disagree with it. Then you are a "moron" or an "insensitive prick." I quit watching the Daily Show when they lost their middle of the road political stance.
Rozy157 said:
Typical of most people of the liberal persuasion: They are all for free speech---unless they disagree with it. Then you are a "moron" or an "insensitive prick." I quit watching the Daily Show when they lost their middle of the road political stance.
That's not what I got out of it at all. He (Stewart) was telling both guys (the leftie and the rightie) that they are dicks to people on their show. Simple.
wow, i never realized how far gone stewart is. he is a comedian/ entertainer, who gives a fuck what he thinks politically? he is not a political analyst, he is a D-level celebrity. the sad part is that many people automatically believe the rhetoric from celebs/musicians as the gospel truth because they love the celebs/musicians already and are too lazy to form their own opinions. and if stewart thinks he is just an average joe.... how many millions does he have in the bank? when was the last time he had to wait in a line or make a reservation for anything? he is in touch with the common man as much as kerry " the billionaire running for president" what a load of shit
funny how all of his insults and criticism were directed to the republican on the show. his ratings on the daily show are going down fast since his pledge of love for kerry.
Actually, Jon Stewert is quite smart (almost genius) when it comes to politics. He never claims to be an average joe. And his show, shows just how comedic BOTH parties are. I find it funny that people take him so serious, like those douchbags on cross fire were. His show is FAKE NEWS PEOPLE.

What I find ever sadder, is the people who believe the utter bullshit that Bush and Co. spew out on a daily basis. Yes both parties are full of liars, but what Bush has the balls to say is more bullshit than you would find at a Wisconsin dairy farm.

ivankoloff said:
wow, i never realized how far gone stewart is. he is a comedian/ entertainer, who gives a fuck what he thinks politically? he is not a political analyst, he is a D-level celebrity. the sad part is that many people automatically believe the rhetoric from celebs/musicians as the gospel truth because they love the celebs/musicians already and are too lazy to form their own opinions. and if stewart thinks he is just an average joe.... how many millions does he have in the bank? when was the last time he had to wait in a line or make a reservation for anything? he is in touch with the common man as much as kerry " the billionaire running for president" what a load of shit

...Actually if you re-watch the segment, his insults were directed at both of them, and how the "real" media refuses to report the truth, Re watch the segment with the sound on this time. And his ratings are actully a bit higher this season compared to last season, so again you are mistaken.

ivankoloff said:
funny how all of his insults and criticism were directed to the republican on the show. his ratings on the daily show are going down fast since his pledge of love for kerry
his whole act was how he was the "voice for the people" and all that bullshit. when you watch the segment as he is directing his insults he is looking at the republican 90% of the time. and his ratings have gone down since he endorsed gomer for pres. it happened in the last couple of weeks, i wasnt talking about the entire year. the media refuses to report " the truth" huh... and just what might that be and how would stewart know what it is anyway?
ivankoloff said:
his whole act was how he was the "voice for the people" and all that bullshit. when you watch the segment as he is directing his insults he is looking at the republican 90% of the time. and his ratings have gone down since he endorsed gomer for pres. it happened in the last couple of weeks, i wasnt talking about the entire year. the media refuses to report " the truth" huh... and just what might that be and how would stewart know what it is anyway?

Yes, but IvanKoloff, YOU my man, speak for the people.

Again, I don't recall anyone on here endorsing any candidate, because of any celebrity endorsing them.
Jon Stewart needs to put up or shut up. He keeps telling the mainstream media that they suck, then when he gets called out for throwing Kerry softballs he says "Oh we're just a comedy show". If that's the case why does he keep having political figures on his show and attempt to ask them serious questions? I stopped watching The Daily Show because it's obvious they're trying to obtain some sort of legitimacy, but hide behind the "we're comedy" facade. If Stewart started a "real" news show and threw in some comedy that would be fine (kind of like Keith Olberman does), but the more he spouts off about how much the media sucks while he plays the comedy card, even though he continually interviews politicians on his show, he comes off as an annoying douche.
is there any reason why there campaigns seem to go on forever,australia had a 6 week election campaign.if people havent figured out after a few weeks into it they never will
He is more the "voice of the people" then hmmmmm Fox News, Dan "Fact checker, I dont need a Fact checker" Rather. Its funny that you are getting all :cry: over a COMEDIAN. He broadcasts fake news stories, and shows clips of the President making an ass of himself.

ivankoloff said:
his whole act was how he was the "voice for the people" and all that bullshit. when you watch the segment as he is directing his insults he is looking at the republican 90% of the time. and his ratings have gone down since he endorsed gomer for pres. it happened in the last couple of weeks, i wasnt talking about the entire year. the media refuses to report " the truth" huh... and just what might that be and how would stewart know what it is anyway?
I'll be so glad when this political season is over. I'm sick of hearing the same shit over and over nonstop all day long. I just love living in n.w. ohio this time of year. :ill: :yuk: :puke: Hopefully someone (Bush) wins with a big enough majority so we don't have the same shit we did in 2000.
...except change Bush for Kerry.

Dragons_Kin said:
I'll be so glad when this political season is over. I'm sick of hearing the same shit over and over nonstop all day long. I just love living in n.w. ohio this time of year. :ill: :yuk: :puke: Hopefully someone (Bush) wins with a big enough majority so we don't have the same shit we did in 2000.