Jon Stewart tells the assholes on Crossfire what assholes they are!

vote libertarian for sure, the republicans and democrats don't give a shit about people, only money and power. until we voters wise up and start voting for a third party it will be more of the same no matter who wins in november
there are no more " rape rooms" ever hear of those? uday hussein can no longer go to a school and pick out whatever girl catches his eye, have his goons kidnap them, then rape them and kill them, but thats not a good thing really is it??? no more mass graves of innocent men, women, and children are being filled, thats not a good thing right? saddam can never " gas" thousands of innocent kurds with sarin nerve gas ( wmd) again. uday can no longer torture/kill iraqi athletes for finishing with a bronze medal instead of a gold or losing a soccer match, that really sucks because now the iraqi teams are going to play worse because they don't fear torture by uday anymore and in turn will lead to the misery of the iraqi people because their teams suck now, your right bush is such a bastard. i guess by what you said, if iraq isn't the safest place in the world then bush is a failure huh? don't tell me you agree with hillary clintons statement that women in iraq were better off with saddam hussein in power??? it might not be the land of oz, but it is a better place without saddam in power and you know it. john kerry/bill clinton/al gore etc... all said throughout the 1990's that saddams wmd's were a threat, and warned of him passing them along to terrorists, have you forgotten that? i guess when a republican is in power the media and the left forget about saying those things because it would only help w's cause. saddam was bankrolling palestinian terror groups as they attacked israel, so there is your terrorist connection right there. put your partisan hatred aside for a minute and think rationally, can you honestly say iraq and the world aren't better off with saddam out of power? i have plenty of partisan criticism for clinton but i can acknowledge that he did do some good things as president, and you could say the same for bush if you wanted to.
there have been numerous press conferences where groups of iraqis have thanked us actually, but the liberal media gave them no coverage.....why you ask, because that would make bush look good thats why. men who had new hands transplanted for free by american doctors after they had them chopped off by saddam for doing business with american companies.... what do you know, the media ignored them. plenty of iraqis are thanking us, but you wouldn't know that unless you listened to talk radio or watched the fox news channel.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
He married the heir to the Heinz mega fortune. There you have it 1 specific thing. But here are a couple more. He served in the armed services (unlike chickenshit Bush) and was awarded a few medals (Silver Star, Bronze Star, 3 Purple Hearts, 2 Presidential Unit Citations and a National Defense Medal.
for Bravery) He cosponsored the Americans with Disabilities Act, the most comprehensive nondiscrimination legislation enacted since the Civil Rights Act of 1964. At least 56 bills and resolutions John Kerry has sponsored over the years have passed the U.S. Senate. Countless others have been improved because of his work, including the Clean Air Act, the Children’s Health Insurance Program and the COPS program

And I challenge you to give me 1 specific good that Bush has done his entire career. But you cant, and I am tired of even wasting my time talking with Bush supporters. Its like talking to a child. Bush is an idiot, he, as well as his father Bush Sr are responsible for the 3000+ dead on 9-11, he is responsible for the 1200+ dead American soldiers in an illegal war against a country that never had, or would have attacked the United States, he lied to the world about Iraqs WMD, then he flip-floped and said Iraq had a weapons program, oh wait it was the ability to create a weapons program, or was it, something else. He 100% failed in his war on terror as there have been more terrorist attacks since he became president. He 100% failed in the war in AFghanistan, and finding Bin Laden, he lied to the American people when he vowed to capture Bin Laden. He failed at ever single business he was handed. He is a failure as a prsident.

Im out like G. W Bush this November.

Wow, what a bunch of left-wing propaganda. Bill Clinton, MI5, Mossad, Russian Intelligence, and every other respected organization in the world said he was a theat and had WMD. Yes that includes John "FLIP FLOP" Kerry at least 5 times on record. You can't have it both ways. No matter what you are going to believe Michael Moore and the rest of his lying Bolshevik ilk.

What has George Bush done?

1. Cut taxes across the board
2. Brought us out of the CLINTON recession
3. Increased spending schools more than anyone in the last 40 years
4. Got a medicare and prescription drug benefit passed that the worthless Democrats have been trying to do for years and years
5. KEPT AMERICA SAFE. How many times has your town been hit since 9/11?

What has John Kerry done besides vote to raise taxes as much possible, that is, when he decides to show up at all? Give me a break, he's a new world order socialist who would gladly hand our sovreignty over to the Hague.
TD said:
Yeah, we all know Iraq is the safest place in the world to be right now :Smug:

As opposed to before? Give me a break. They are still unearthing mass graves.

I suppose you supported the action in the Balkans? Where thousands of innocent Serbs were killed by Bill Clinton and Madel Albright's high level bombing campaign?

By the way, over 1,000,000 jobs were lost due to 9/11 alone. We've added 1.6 million in the last year. Last year we showed the highest rate of economic growth in 20 years. Don't buy into that left-wing bullshit man.
Rozy157 said:
As opposed to before? Give me a break. They are still unearthing mass graves.

I suppose you supported the action in the Balkans? Where thousands of innocent Serbs were killed by Bill Clinton and Madel Albright's high level bombing campaign?

By the way, over 1,000,000 jobs were lost due to 9/11 alone. We've added 1.6 million in the last year. Last year we showed the highest rate of economic growth in 20 years. Don't buy into that left-wing bullshit man.
And all of this stopped Osama, how??? Thanks.
mrthrax said:
people seem to forget that saddam had 12 years to hide all the shit,they could anyfuckingwhere!!!
The bible codes say they're in Lebannon (FEI), I've thought all along that they were in Syria, then I found out Syria has troops in Lebannon so I guess we'll all see in the end.
Ya know, maybe I'm just too "Liberal," but I have to wonder, if Bushy wouldn't have ignored the repeated warnings prior to 9/11 (as proven by the commision) while ranching and golfing, maybe, just maybe, we'd have been safer from the get go. But hell, he's a child president, so let him play!!
td, wake up. did you know that right now ( yes today) there are more people employed in this country than at any other time in our history? how has bush " lost" jobs when we have a record number of people employed? also, THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE IS 5.3%, WHEN CLINTON RAN FOR HIS SECOND TERM ON A GOOD ECONOMY THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE WAS 5.4%. that is not right wing rhetoric, those are real numbers and real facts, a hard concept for a liberal to grasp i know. and don't give me that left wing rhetoric/talking point that the jobs are low paying low quality ones because those are your fellow democrats working those jobs. most people earning minimum wage are teenagers working their first jobs, any adult who hasn't developed their job skills to the point where they can earn more than minimum wage has nobody to blame but themselves. the higher your education...the more money you will earn. these are the people who have their hands out taking government entitlements. and the democrats are all too willing to accomodate them by taking the money from people who earn it and giving it to them in exchange for their votes. it is a great ploy i must say, it's not w's fault that those people chose to drop out of high school or decided not to go to college, or to get pregnant while in high school or whatever, they made their choices and they have to live with them just like the rest of us. the democrats are all to eager to tell them " it's not your fault" we'll just confiscate the earned weath of societies achievers and give it to you because " it's not your fault" and you want to talk about rhetoric????? funny yet sad
td, how did bush lose the jobs? did you ever hear of the stock market crash of 2000? whos watch did that happen under? how about 9/11, did that possibly contribute??? it figures you are a teacher, 95% of teachers/college proffesors are big-time liberals, please tell me you don't indoctrinate your little ones with left wing propaganda, wait a minute, your a teacher of course you do, i'm sure you have all of your students convinced that bush is the worst president ever, and kerry will get the sick people in wheelchairs to get up and walk again ( john edwards said that) anyone with children, do everything you can to send your kids to private school, otherwise you will have little michael moores walking through youtr front door when they get back from government schools
oh and td, the 9/11 commisson ( spelled with 2 S's mr. educator) talked plenty of bill clintons ignoring the warnings on terror. he even got the same pdb bush did in 1996 warning of al qaedas desire to use planes in terror attacks you moron. the cia told him about the terrorist training camps forming in afghanistan and suggested he take action and destroy them before they became a major problem, did he do anything about it, hell no, he was also busy on the golf course, and banging women not named hillary. please tell me your not a history teacher or english for that matter.
i keed, i keed.... i'm just busting your chops and trying to help you see the light.
i made some intentional spelling errors to see if mr. educator can find them as a weak comeback. since i know he's gonna instead of facing the factual info presented to him
Uh...! Jon Stewart sucks! IMO the majority of people are politically lazy or uninformed or incorrectly informed. Jon stewart's banter adds to this. While he's supposedly not leaning toward any wing in particular, Bush (Republicans) and Religion (ususally Republicans) are usually targets for politcal satire. Jon Stewart is mediocre at best but goes unattested. It's easy to see through and not give a shit until you realize how he may sway the casual watcher. In reality he wouldn't "..uh...uh...uh" pass tv production 101. He'll probably start cramming shitty movies down are throat in the future like Ben Stiller NOW does. This thread starting talking about him and I'm not choosing sides unilaterally but it's hard when talking about politics not to voice your opinions. I just don't like John Stewart. Daily Show used to be my favorite program and now and then I give it a try again but it sucks. Go Cardinals.:Spin: