Jonas Ekdahl

At The Gates

New Metal Member
May 23, 2004
Just wanted to ask what you guys think of Jonas and how he fits into the band. When Patrick left the band, I was kind of dissapointed. But after listening to the Inner Circle, and watching the DVD, Jonas really is an amazing drummer, and I think he adds more the band :rock:
Oh yea, and does anyone have any close ups of kit? (The DVD Gear talk was helpful, but they didnt go over his cymbal placement)
At The Gates said:
Just wanted to ask what you guys think of Jonas and how he fits into the band. When Patrick left the band, I was kind of dissapointed. But after listening to the Inner Circle, and watching the DVD, Jonas really is an amazing drummer, and I think he adds more the band :rock:
Oh yea, and does anyone have any close ups of kit? (The DVD Gear talk was helpful, but they didnt go over his cymbal placement)

I'd say that Jonas adds a whole new level to the band. Their live performance is amazing. Jonas is one hard rockin' drummer haha. I can't wait to hear the next album with him on drums. Patrick had some really amazing drum stuff in those older albums. He's such an amazing drummer as well. It was a tough spot for Jonas to fill, but I think he's doing a killer job.
Jonas seems cool, but the drumming on TIC was a bit too stock for me, there wasn't anything i hadn't already heard, whereas patrick mixed it up a bit.
After seeing the DVD though, i do think he has something to offer, and hope that he delivers it on the next album.

Hail Evergrey

BalanceofPower said:
I can't wait to hear the next album with him on drums.
You do realize that it was Jonas on TIC yeah?

As I said in a previous post...
I don't feel that Jonas has to prove anything to anyone! Tom and the boys knew what they were doing when they asked him to join them. They wouldn't of asked if they didn't think he had the talent and drive! Jonas is doing and has done a Kick ass job thusfar. Even though he is a young artist, he has brought alot to EG. Look how much he has grown already as a musician and a writer. He completes the BEST EG line up yet!
(Which better not change!!! EVER!!!!):rock:

(Those of you from The States...Doesn't Jonas remind you of "Animal" from the Muppet show? The power and attitude behind the drums says it all!!! hehehehe )
*Thats a compliment Jonas, incase your wondering!
Hell ya! I completely agree with you on that...Jonas is growing to be one of my favourite drummers as well!
after listening to jonas on the DVD I was impressed. After I heard the inner circle on the other hand, I was disapointed, I don't think he does anything really to uniqe on that album. Maybe Evergrey didn't want him to go crazy for that album, who knows.
Black Rain said:
after listening to jonas on the DVD I was impressed. After I heard the inner circle on the other hand, I was disapointed, I don't think he does anything really to uniqe on that album. Maybe Evergrey didn't want him to go crazy for that album, who knows.

I guess thats why some of us can't wait to hear him on the NEXT album, he might have more of a chance to put his DISTINCT stamp on the Evergrey sound.
DGIRL said:
You do realize that it was Jonas on TIC yeah?

Yeah I know he was on TIC, I meant that I'd like to see how he does on his 2nd album with Evergrey. I'd like to see if maybe he can open up more and show off what else he can do. Some players on their first album with a band tend to hold back a little bit.
The DVD is what did it for me. What power! Patrick is a god, but Jonas fits perfectly. I'd also like to finally hear Death Destruction, I can only take those 4 samples for so long, haha! I didnt know the vocalist is the current lead for Nightrage, it would be cool if the new band re-recorded their latest record. Cheers!
Patrik is about seven times the better musician as Jonas. Most of that has to do with age I am assuming. Talent is talent and BOTH have massive amounts of talent. Jonas is more visual which to most (non-musicians) comes across as being "better". If we would have had ANTR with Pat on it then it might be a better comparison because with DVD and visual, you can pick it apart more. Music becomes something "more" with a visual reference.

If you listen to the Pat stuff on ANTR, Jonas definately stumbles with the meter quite a bit. You can see the emotion from the band when he does it. Now copying someone elses stuff beat per beat is a hard thing to do with the feel and all but it goes back to talent again. If you listen to the actual music that is or has been put on disc, Patrik's stuff is much more technical, fitted, musical, etc to what Jonas has put down. I have yearned to hear what might have been if Patrik would have been on TIC...

Jonas wiill grow into the strong drummer that Evergrey needs so we shall wait and see... Let's hope that Tom will wait and see also!
I'm a disappointed with Death Destruction too. From what I can tell from the samples there are no solos or anything..just basic (but sometimes very cool) heavy riffs. Being a fan of heavier music too I was looking forward to it...maybe the full length if it ever comes out will tell a different story.
That's sad, because Mark Zonder did great job for Fates Warning.

Before I saw the DVD, I thought Jonas was just a drummer who had took a place of a drummer. But on the DVD he gave really good image of himself. The playing wasn't the sharpest I've heard, but just as Walter said, his stage presence is huge. It isn't too usual to see drummer moshing that hard during the playing, or making contact with the audience as much as Jonas did. I think he rocks.