Joy Division


New Metal Member
Jun 22, 2003
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Well, I've heard people throw arround words like dark, doomy and gloomy about music I find to be very alive (in lack of a better sounding word) for years. Now the only band I think fits these labels is Joy Division, the song "The Eternal" sounds like a suicide note. Joy Division does in no way fit to the musical aspects usually attached to those words, but it is so dark and gloomy. There it is for you to check out or comment upon if you know them already.

The songs "New Dawn Fades" and "Decades" are amazing btw and not as unberably gloomy as "The Eternal".
the eternal isnt a suicde note, its about some mongoloid kid who was confined to his families garden in the area where ian curtis grew up, and when he went back years later the poor bastard was still there, in his little universe in that garden . The lyircs make a lot more sense if you know the background to them.. "cry like a child, tho the years make me older" and all that

they wrote some crap mind you, but stuff like disorder and transmission make most other music sound pointless
joy division rules!!! but not sure that they are the most doom. ian is dead anyway, thats some doom, yeah..
I like Moby version of New dawn fades, Bush covering In a lonely place, Love Like Blood's Decades, Dead Souls - NIN, Isolation - Die Krupps.. lotsa good covers.
Bambi said:
the eternal isnt a suicde note, its about some mongoloid kid who was confined to his families garden in the area where ian curtis grew up, and when he went back years later the poor bastard was still there, in his little universe in that garden . The lyircs make a lot more sense if you know the background to them.. "cry like a child, tho the years make me older" and all that

they wrote some crap mind you, but stuff like disorder and transmission make most other music sound pointless

I did not know that, but remember I only said it sounded like a suicide note, hard to think otherwise when he sings "accept like a curse an unlucky deal.
joy dividion is probably the only good thing that ever came from manchester. shame curtis hanged himself that soon.
Allan said:
Honestly I don't really get it in that context. " But children my time is so wastefully spare". But I'm quite drunk.

thats cos those arent the lyrics :erk:
you sure you know this song?? :tickled:

"cry like a child a child though the years make me older/with children my time is so wastefully spent"
Bambi said:
thats cos those arent the lyrics :erk:
you sure you know this song?? :tickled:

"cry like a child a child though the years make me older/with children my time is so wastefully spent"

As I said drunk. But that's exactly why they need to print the lyrics, so that drunk foreigners with nothing better to do than study lyrics can understand them as well.
Allan said:
As I said drunk. But that's exactly why they need to print the lyrics, so that drunk foreigners with nothing better to do than study lyrics can understand them as well.

thats so unfair
:ill: : "the eternal" "joy division"budda boom budda bing. fuggedabaahtit

Procession moves on, the shouting is over,
Praise to the glory of loved ones now gone.
Talking aloud as they sit round their tables,
Scattering flowers washed down by the rain.
Stood by the gate at the foot of the garden,
Watching them pass like clouds in the sky,
Try to cry out in the heat of the moment,
Possessed by a fury that burns from inside.

Cry like a child, though these years make me older,
With children my time is so wastefully spent,
A burden to keep, though their inner communion,
Accept like a curse an unlucky deal.
Played by the gate at the foot of the garden,
My view stretches out from the fence to the wall,
No words could explain, no actions determine,
Just watching the trees and the leaves as they fall.