JUDAS PRIEST/HALFORD Reunion: The Official Press Release! - July 11, 2003


(Are you really surprised???)

After more than 12 years apart, JUDAS PRIEST and original lead vocalist Rob Halford have reunited for a global live concert tour in 2004. The definitive JUDAS PRIEST lineup of Rob Halford, lead guitarist Glenn Tipton, lead guitarist K.K. Downing, bassist Ian Hill and drummer Scott Travis are back.

The original band members have been re-establishing their personal and professional relationships since 1999 along the way sparking hundreds of reunion rumors.

Several exciting projects, in addition to the 2004 world tour, are in the early planning stages.

The long-awaited reunion of JUDAS PRIEST and Halford will thrill fans around the globe, and once again provide them with the opportunity to see and hear the band that defined Heavy Metal as we know it today.

JUDAS PRIEST rose from the gritty, working-class steel town of Birmingham, England, and became one of the biggest bands in the world. JUDAS PRIEST are considered the groundbreaking inventors of true Heavy Metal music. From their debut release "Rocka Rolla" through monumental albums such as "Sad Wings of Destiny", "Sin After Sin", "Stained Class", "Hell Bent For Leather", "Unleashed in the East", "British Steel", "Screaming for Vengeance", "Defenders of the Faith" and "Painkiller", titanic songs like "Victim of Changes", "Sinner", "Exciter", "Hell Bent for Leather", "Living After Midnight", "Breaking the Law" and "You've Got Another Thing Comin' " were born. JUDAS PRIEST defines and epitomizes both sonically and visually the Heavy Metal genre.

Next year's reunion tour will also celebrate the band's 30th anniversary.

JUDAS PRIEST and Ripper Owens, who replaced Halford, have parted amicably by mutual agreement. The band is very grateful for Ripper's work in helping them to continue to bring JUDAS PRIEST's music to their millions of fans and they expect big things for him in the future.
Other part... from BLABBERMOUTH:

It's Official: ROB HALFORD Rejoins JUDAS PRIEST!! - July 11, 2003

JUDAS PRIEST will reunite with Rob Halford for a new album and tour in 2004, the band's management has confirmed to CNN.

"Rob Halford, along with band members K.K. Downing, Glenn Tipton and Ian Hill felt a heightened level of intensity," a member of JUDAS PRIEST management team told CNN, speaking of recent meetings with the four. "Rob said they were all very excited and they have re-established their friendship. These guys grew up together from their early 20s on, so this means a lot to them personally and professionally."

Tipton also told CNN Halford has rejoined the group.

Writing in response to several negative fan postings on HALFORD's official web site with regards to Rob's current management situation, HALFORD manager John Baxter corroborated the report, saying, "This is a special day for each of the members of JUDAS PRIEST, and it doesn't need to be tarnished by the artist's fans. It has taken a lot of work for this to come together, and we'd like to enjoy the reunion period along with each of you. None of us (management) are going anywhere, just as we are hopeful none of you will go anywhere."


I sorta liked Ripper Owens. Does he go back to the factories now? And what of Halford's current bandmates? The Testament legions must have some idea...

I do like the idea of the original lineup. Hell yea!
Insania said:
I I do like the idea of the original lineup. Hell yea!

Of who? Priest? That would be something...with Al Atkins and John Hinch :D

We all know Priest have been going longer than 30 years...but is no matter. This is good news! :D
Deny.......Deny.......Deny........OK.... now it's happening.......
typical of Baxter & Halford.......I guess this had nothing to do with all of Halford's dates getting cancelled, or maybe alittle bit.........who knows?
Naw, this has been in the works for over a year..... I've been telling people, and all I heard was I was cracked. Jaye's just denies everything period because she's a control freak. When she gets to say it, then she thinks its official. Priest and Halford both have fucked up management, and that's all I have to say about that.

And by the way, Glenn Tipton WAS at the Vegas make up date, despite Jaye arguing to the contrary. A friend of mine saw him backstage and saw him go into Halford's dressing room, and people from the Halford board actually met him......
Pyrus said:
God, I hope not.

Well, that movie was okay...until the last half. Then they threw in the whole "Heavy metal is for stupid people - go play what everybody REALLY wants to play, singer-songwriter emo crap!" thing. Fucking biased wankers.

Soundtrack rawked, though.

Oh, you noticed that as well? I thought that film was fucking perfect until soon after the guy joined Steel Dragon...then it turned stupid, and kinda depressing for a guy who wants to see Happy Happy Joy Joy Metal! -------> that's me! :grin:
Testament Legions said:
Think there will be a "Rock Star" Part 2 :lol:???

I loved that movie. I'm so glad to hear that Halford is back with Priest. This tour is going to kick some major ass.

Did the interview say anything about what Ripper is going to do?

Ayeka said:
Of who? Priest? That would be something...with Al Atkins and John Hinch :D

We all know Priest have been going longer than 30 years...but is no matter. This is good news! :D

You got me there -- I keep thinking of the 'classic' lineup of the '80s. That would have Dave Holland, but Scott Travis I believe is in the current works.

Yeah, to go back to the original lineup puts me at 5 years old...:p
Insania said:
You got me there -- I keep thinking of the 'classic' lineup of the '80s. That would have Dave Holland, but Scott Travis I believe is in the current works.

Yeah, to go back to the original lineup puts me at 5 years old...:p

Hee, no worries. Don't even ask how old I'd be for that lineup ;)
:tickled: :tickled: I'm really happy with the reunion, but I sort of feel the same way I felt when Bruce Dickinson rejooined Maiden because I really liked his solo stuff. Halford's last 2 albums- Resurrecction and Crucible - have been killer! I was hoping for more good stuff from Halford (the band). I hope he carries it over to Priest. And just for the record, I think Ripper Owens is a fantastic singer, I wish him the best.