Judas Priest live @Gothenburg (w/ In Flames)


Metal addict
Sep 13, 2002
Yeah! They rocked Scandinavium yesterday! almost full! I did'nt have the best seats (yeah seats :Smug: ), but you could see pretty good anyway, the arena ain't so big.
With In Flames as opener, (playing Clayman, Episode 666 etc :p ) the standards were set high. But in flames didn't got the crowd going crazy though, don't think many old priest fans listen to them, and seemed to be a majority of old Judas Priest fans there :Spin:
But when in flames had got off the small piece of stage that they had, and a while afterwards when the lights turned off again, the show begun! :rock: a huge stage behind seemed to just appear, and a after that it went on!

The set list was something like this, I only remember the first song and the last songs in teh correct order, but i don't think i forgot so much (at least 3 songs ;), dont know their name so if someone here knows fill it in!)
Bold: kind of right order.

1 Evil Eye
Metal Gods
The Ripper
Judas Rising
Hot Rockin'*
Turbo Lover*
Living After Midnight*
Touch of Evil
Deal with the Devil
(some acoustic song here, think it was from the new?)
Victim of Changes
Painkiller (wow!!!)
--paus, they kind act as it's the end.. but then Halford rides out on a bike, pretty awesome!
the 3 last in right order:
Hell Bent for Leather
Breaking the Law (yeah!)
You've Got Another Thing Comin' (kick ass end!! :rock:

Hope you don't miss them this year!

EDIT: yeah like i remembered the last three right! (*these songs were played too)
Wow they played 'Exciter' !!
Now i really hope the play that on the 22nd when i see em!
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: