Rob Halford v. Judas Priest


New Metal Member
Sep 9, 2002
Boston, MA USA
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Ok people: who do you prefer?...first I should ask have you had a chance to see the Halford Band and the Current Judas Priest lineup with Ripper Owens?? Here's the question: Who'sbetter 1)live in concert and 2) comparing both band's last two releases, who is making bettermusic?
I have seen Halford twice and Priest 5 times in their current form and I have to say without a question Halford is makinmg better for the is tougher but I think Halford is better...??? thoughts???


Good Question!
I've seen them both live and got all the recent albums.
Personally I'd say that on recent releases Halford is making the better albums, but how much of that is down to Roy Z. So far all that he touches is awesome, Helloweens "The Dark Ride", Bruce Dickinsons "Chemical Wedding" etc etc.
As for live, I'd have to go with Priest everytime. They just have that ease to play what they are and make it sound so good without even really trying. Ripper is a better singer than Rob. He sings so effortless and makes it look easy.
I do like both the recent Priest studio albums and the tracks that they play live from them I think are some of there best live numbers. Burn in Hell and One on One are two of my favs at the moment.

All in all I'd like priest to carry on without Rob because Ripper is a more than capable replacement and then we get two great bands!


I prefer Priest with Halford at vocals,although also Bob,the drummer of Halford's band is a great musician.This year i saw Rob live at gods of metal Italy and he was great.. when he's in great shape for at least one hour he can give you the goosebumps during some the end of the shows he has to sing easy anthems like breaking the law and another thing coming and all it's right... The stage presence of Rob i far superior than Tim's one.Tim has a great voice but i like more Rob's one.. as to the records, the last two priest are quite poor except for Ctahedral Pires and some othr cuts.Jug is better than Demo.Resurrection has Silent Scream,titletrack,Slow Down and Made in hell,the rest is average but very funny to listen,that was a cd made to please people.. the last has some good songs and some so so or bad.. but was more courageous than Res..
I'd like to see a new studio album from the original priest,but decently produced and not sounding to modern.A cross between Painkiller,Stained Class and something else..


Good Question this.
well to begin with i have failed to see Halford perform his solo stuff live - i know sad aint it!
However musically yeah Halford has the edge, but only a bit. Jugulator i think was the better out of the last two Judas albums. But halford seems to be experimenting more.
as for choosing the best between the live acts i'll add this as a comment.
Having seen Judas Priest as they were, ie very many years ago with Halford on vocals and singing brilliantly, Ripper certainly compares to those times. As for strength of performance i think if you asked Rob to stand up for two hours and do what he used to do with his voice i guess it wouldn't last ( i could be wrong, but i think that is a fair judgement!) whereas Ripper being younger i guess his vocals will stand that little bit of extra hard work, hence a better show with him there.
I think thats why ripper fits in with Priest at the moment, but i do wonder if Ripper could perform the whole of the Sad Wings of Destiny album in full as Rob could?? now that is a challenge for him for sure. Perhaps they should rerecord one of those albums with the music but with Ripper singing the lyrics. Then we can judge for sure.


i am the ultimamate priest fan,ive seen both live,There is never going to be a better live band then priest.How ever halfords new album i can listen 2 from begining to end.His first one i couldnt.Demolition ,i dont like 3 songs,mainly because of the vocals.(close to you,lost and found,metal mesiah)but jugulator is exactly where i wanted priest to go.And you tell me how many major bands that switched singers and still kicked this much ass (besides black sabbath with dio)i saw halford and he ruled because he is the metal god.But the whole time i missed priest.I saw (ripper)priest and the whole time i was metalized.So i have to go with priest.The lyrics are way better and the music is always BRUTAL.And its JUDAS F####ng PRIEST
Halford definitely has an edge over Judas Priest. I haven't really cared for any of the "Ripper" albums. But I did catch JP on tour this summer and they kicked ass. JP are still a killing machine on stage. If only they could capture that feeling in the studio. They'd be unstoppable.
Haven't seen Halford live but have seen JP the last two times they played in London. I must admit that I was well impressed by Rippers singing, and he breezed through every song effortlessly. I'm not sure that Rob could do that now. So I reckon JP are better off sticking with Ripper. But saying that, I am definitely going to see Halford when they play.

I have no experience of the 'new' Judas Priest so I can't judge them. On the other hand, I've been following Halford since November 2000....that was when I saw them supporting Iron Maiden and it blew me away! Bought Resurrection a month later and didn't take long to be sucked into that. After many listens though, it seems clear that a lot of it is filler....good filler though! :D
Live Insurrection was a great album but of course that was because 2/3 of it was Judas Priest and it'd had some studio tweaking done. Still a great album though!
I had high hopes for Crucible but now I feel slightly disappointed. Crucible and Betrayal are great songs but after that the album slogs on and there ain't any standout tracks.

I have high hopes for Halford though. I think they'll ve sticking around and putting out some great albums. Can't wait to see 'em live again!
Haven't seen Halford live, but I've seen Priest with Ripper twice now

I know some people will disagree, but from what I've heard (Priest-Live video, their live CDs and Insurrection) I'm not the greatest fan of Rob's live singing, he just seems to go too high pitched and it sometimes ends up sounding really annoying. Ripper doesn't seem to have the same problem, and also manages to make the songs sound more aggressive.

As for albums, I like all of the material that both acts have released. Of course there are some weaker songs on both albums, but as I put it, I would rather listen to a poor song by a band I like than listen to some pop act
if we're comparing the latest studio releases, then I think Priest win cos demolition is stil spinning in my cd player but crucible has found it's way back onto the shelf.

Live - new priest no contest, ripper just has so much energy and an amazing voice. Halford was brilliant in his day, but is getting a lil past it now.
I have all the recent releases by both and have seen both on they're most recent tours.


I kinda liked Jugulator simply because Priest was sounding reinvented and Ripper was really belting. BUT, Demolition is approaching laughable. Tipton can't write a lyric to save his life and Ripper is singing in his lowest register way too often... it's a real yawner. I was really disappointed.

Resurrection is really strong, better than Crucible... but I'd rather listen to Halford's mediocre album than Priest's embarrassing one.

I never listen to Meltdown (it sits on my shelf) while Live Insurrrection visits my CD player on a regular basis, by the way.


I saw Halford on his last U.S. tour and he blew me away. His band was young & energetic... very into what he was doing. They even made the Fight material more enjoyable.

I saw the recent Priest/Anthrax tour and Anthrax made Priest look silly. They had a ton more energy and really delivered. Priest was going through the motions, kind of resting on their reputation, it seemed. Ripper appeared bored through 90% of the show and was nearly mocking the whole "metal show vibe." He's a confusing stage presence, and not easy to like.

I'll take Halford any day right now. GREAT QUESTION!!!!!
I have been listening to Crucible lately and I must say that it is a very very mediocre album. There are no tracks that stand out as far as I'm concerned.

Although Demolition isn't a great album, there are 3 or 4 tracks that really stand out. So I have to say JP definitely gets my vote.
I like what Rob has done with Fight/Halford- there are some really good tracks here and there-but could be so much more, seems confused on what he wants...other than to be back in Priest....Res over Cru..
I like Ripper alot and Priest still rocks live but again not sure what their doing in the studio.....they do miss Robs writing....again could be so much more.....98 meltdown is a damn good cd best of the old and new.....Jug over Dem... Peace METL
Rob Halford wins with me because theres just no mistaking that incrediable voice not to take anything away from The Ripper man but the Man (Halford) is a classic.

Saw them on the British Steel tour and being it was my first time, I was just blowin away.
