Judas Priest NJ review (fan review)


Aging Fart
Oct 3, 2005
here is a review of the Judas Priest show in New Jersey last night that I found on the Halford forum. This is a fan review. I am boycotting the PNC Bank Arts Centre for personal reasons and wasn`t at the show thankfully. I hate that place unless Maiden, Rush or Saxon plays there. I also live in NJ and I know exactly what this revolver person means.

revolver said:
Scum bags at PNC... as usual...


Again, nothing but trailer trash scum bags and drunk pieces of human waste trying to ruin other people's good time at PNC. Good job scum bags, mission accomplished!

Got to see creepy looking "Golden Goose" and equally trashy trailer friends up close as they tried to scam their way to the front row where we were sitting. They all looked like they crawled out of the sewers of Bayonne or Garfield. Got to push a couple of them around as they were trying to get around me in the front. Security got them back to their seats though. Goose man was pretending not to hear the security guy yelling at him but eventually we got him to pay attention.

We had some little drunk piece of shit (50 year old waste of life about 5'3", just a drunk turd) bothering us through the entire Priest set. I turned around and grabbed the little fucker at one point and told him he needs to stop fucking touching and bothering us. He was your typical drunk loser that could barely stand. I prayed for his death on the rainy ride home.

It's really a shame that we again looked forward to seeing Priest -( my favorite band that I have admired and enjoyed for the past 30 years of my life)- only to have a handful of really just human garbage constantly ruining the experience for people around them. Just a bunch of immature selfish losers. For all you folks on this board from different countries or states who are not familiar with this group of Jersey loser freaks on here (Goose, Scramble, braces broad, ect.)who do nothing but follow Priest around only to tailgate, drink, be complete ignorant assholes at each show they go to, and then drink more afterwards, let me tell you, they are just that: ignorant assholes. Bunch of real fucking losers.

Priest was amazing to see, but when I look back at this concert all I will remember (And the two shows last year) is fighting with the drunken trailer trash losers that seem to gravitate to these shows. Imagine if these assholes could just go to a Priest show and watch the band instead of playing fucking retarded games like a 16 year old kid would do. All they do is ruin the experience for real fans like myself who want to see and enjoy the show. These assholes just go to these shows to get drunk and smoke their weed. They are not real fans.

It's funny that the other 10,000+ people in the venue can just stay in their seating area, but a small handful of creeps can't do that because they feel entitled to do whatever they want and don't give a shit about other people there. The Golden Goose douche bag had a good seat only a couple rows back from the stage, but that wasn't good enough for some reason, he and his but buddies needed to be right up front. I guess they needed to take more blurry pictures to post on here to add to the ten thousand others already on here.

Can you tell I despise trailer trash?

Again I ask: what the fuck is the point of going to these shows only to be so inebriated that you can't remember any of it the next day? How empty and miserable does your life have to be that this is all you aspire to do?
Uh, good review?

I was third row and the only problem I had was the small pack of disease-ridden harlots who flocked toward the stage when Whitesnake came on. They too were trashed and I soon grew tired of seeing their tits so I watched the show. Thankfully they were gone for Priest. I hope the guitarist and bassist had their shots.