Judas Priest - Nostradamus


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
Has anyone heard the new Judas Priest disc yet? I hear it's a completely different piece of work with lots of orchestration, keyboards and mid-tempo stuff. Sounds interesting.

It would be great to hear your opinion on it. And what's on the deluxe edition?
Well, AllMusic really didn't care for it, but whatevs.
If the rest of the album is anything like the title track, it should be a beast!
Sounds like power metal to me. Weak album. Try to cover too much ground with a lame concept. Never understood that JP are regarded as "Metal Gods." Halford's vocals are the only good thing found on this. But hey, that's just me.
It's great, but overreaching like Bloodsword says. For 2 discs of music, they could have edited it down to a more potent 1 disc.

I just picked it up today, and I've only listened to it all the way through once, so while I'd probably hesitate to say it's "great" just yet, it's definitely a lot better than the disappointment of AOR. It is kinda cool to hear 'em trying to do something as out of character as a concept record, though. AOR just sounded too contrived for me, like they were trying too hard to make a "classic" Priest record. And GOD... "Loch Ness" was easily Priest's worst Spinal Tap moment ever!

By the way, am I the only one who was disappointed when Priest reunited that they didn't continue down the same road they were both following separately before the reunion? Rob's last couple of solo records and Priest's Ripper era were decidedly heavier and more modern sounding than the reunion material they've put out so far. I was really excited to hear more in that vein with the reformed lineup, but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen.

Oh well, I still want to check out the tour, though! Has anyone heard if they're going to do a themed show to go with the new record? That might actually be interesting.
Did you get the standard version or deluxe edition? If the former, what's the booklet like? Is there an "intro" page to the concept and lyrics or anything? If the latter, what's on the DVD and how long does it run?

EDIT: I see. So you've just downloaded it.
You guys have GOT to read the hilarious review on Blabbermouth for the new Judas Priest album.
Apparently, it's positively radioactive!


Some excerpts:
"Just wait for Halford to sing "hope... in my heaaaaart" like he's already clearing off space on his bookshelf for a Tony award..."

"They've dressed up a third-rate Broadway show in the trappings of a heavy metal album, confusing quantity with quality and shoveling bombast at the listener until the only emotion left is a vaguely irritated fatigue..."

I'm still laughing...