Judge my voice! Quick vocal demo metuhl

Definitely. This forum has given me so much insight I'm happy to share what little info I know.

There's two vocal tracks. One is simply an octave lower, and one at the normal octave. The lower octave just for a bit of atmospheric touch. I'm running a chain of:

Shure Sm7 into Toneport UX1 - psp vintage warmer 2 - Waves rvox compressor - cubase mod delay.

Pretty simple, and this is the first decent sounding vocal tone I've come up with through the crappy Toneport.
Definitely. This forum has given me so much insight I'm happy to share what little info I know.

There's two vocal tracks. One is simply an octave lower, and one at the normal octave. The lower octave just for a bit of atmospheric touch. I'm running a chain of:

Shure Sm7 into Toneport UX1 - psp vintage warmer 2 - Waves rvox compressor - cubase mod delay.

Pretty simple, and this is the first decent sounding vocal tone I've come up with through the crappy Toneport.

could you show screenshoots??? i like a lot.
Sounds well, it fits the style perfectly.

I detect some tuning, maybe melodyne or autotune, if not, maybe you compressed too much because it sounds kind of flat

on a personal note... I think that style of singing is really getting overused, if you want stand out, I'd recommend learning some other techniques cause scream-o is getting so lame-o. Every time I check out a new band and that style comes up... I stop the song

I mean no disrespect ;-)
Very good man. Did you use any pitch correction software, Auto-Tune, Melodyne? Mixing pop with metalcore is a horrible mix. If you want to get rich, most likely you wont, and get lots of unattractive girls then go for it, but I'm sure you enjoy another type of music much much more.
I like your voice, but I would say that you should enunciate a little less. Your R's are a little too hard, and it doesn't flow. But that's just my opinion.