Jungle Rot – What Horrors Await
Napalm Records - 2009
By Adam McAuley
What Horrors Await cruises along at a fairly medium pace. The outfit actually relies a good deal on groove to make their point. The songs certainly have a fairly basic structure without a great deal of technicality. The sound sort of like Obituary, but lack even that band’s speed at points. The style is definitely one they enjoy performing, but it doesn’t have quite the overall impact that would make the band incredibly compelling.
The songs churn along with a simplicity that is sort of underwhelming. The tracks almost have a groove thrash aura, but don’t completely belong in that genre either. There’s nothing outwardly negative to say about the band aside from how they’re very rudimentary and don’t offer much in the way of musical variety to hold the listener’s interest. The title track “What Horrors Await” tries to raise the intensity somewhat, but results in being standard sounding like almost everything else here. There really isn’t an increase in the amount of presence the band have at any particular moment. The band falls short of the early Obituary classics, but are an improvement over bands like Six Feet Under who are even blander.
So, there is promise, but the band has to expand into more compelling territories to become better appreciated. I could easily see them becoming overly generic over time, which is something to be avoided at all costs. The riffs here sometimes have punch, but don’t really excite at any point. Again, this is main problem with Jungle Rot. They don’t do anything particularly noteworthy to captivate, but do enough to prove themselves as a decent musical act. Hardcore death metal fans that are able to appreciate a straightforward approach might find something to enjoy here, but a lot of other metal fans looking for a unique approach to metal might want to look elsewhere.
Official Jungle Rot My Space
Official Napalm Records Website
Napalm Records - 2009
By Adam McAuley

What Horrors Await cruises along at a fairly medium pace. The outfit actually relies a good deal on groove to make their point. The songs certainly have a fairly basic structure without a great deal of technicality. The sound sort of like Obituary, but lack even that band’s speed at points. The style is definitely one they enjoy performing, but it doesn’t have quite the overall impact that would make the band incredibly compelling.
The songs churn along with a simplicity that is sort of underwhelming. The tracks almost have a groove thrash aura, but don’t completely belong in that genre either. There’s nothing outwardly negative to say about the band aside from how they’re very rudimentary and don’t offer much in the way of musical variety to hold the listener’s interest. The title track “What Horrors Await” tries to raise the intensity somewhat, but results in being standard sounding like almost everything else here. There really isn’t an increase in the amount of presence the band have at any particular moment. The band falls short of the early Obituary classics, but are an improvement over bands like Six Feet Under who are even blander.
So, there is promise, but the band has to expand into more compelling territories to become better appreciated. I could easily see them becoming overly generic over time, which is something to be avoided at all costs. The riffs here sometimes have punch, but don’t really excite at any point. Again, this is main problem with Jungle Rot. They don’t do anything particularly noteworthy to captivate, but do enough to prove themselves as a decent musical act. Hardcore death metal fans that are able to appreciate a straightforward approach might find something to enjoy here, but a lot of other metal fans looking for a unique approach to metal might want to look elsewhere.
Official Jungle Rot My Space
Official Napalm Records Website