

Nov 11, 2008
i hate this f*cking song so much :puke: :puke: :puke:
this is so annoying, its playing 10xtimes a day on the radio, most songs on the radio are shit anyways, but this one tops it all

i cant believe why this song is called "summerhit" 2009

sorry about the rant, next time the song plays will kick the radio out of the window, to bad my workmates are all radio-holics with no taste in music
HAhhahahahaa, I remember those days from working at a mechanic shop dude, they just like something to fill the silence to take their minds off the misery of their daily tedium :lol: God, so many awful songs I had drilled into my head day in and day out, let's list them!

That "Black Horse and a Cherry Tree" song (with the periodic woo-oo's, ARRRGGGHHH)
"This Kiss, This Kiss" (KILLKILLKILLKILL)
That awful Maroon 5 song (not "This Love", the one after)
"Two Princes" (too goddamned happy, though some good solos I will admit)
Anything by Rob Thomas, god I can't stand that guy

And so very many more!
Oh my god, this shit is fucking horrible, it's like retro 60's throwback, AND OH MY GOD THAT DRUM SCAT PART, I can't eat the amount I want to puke when I hear this TERMINATING NOW :puke::puke::puke::puke: At least it's short as all hell! (2:12, that's gotta be close to a hit single record!)

And man, does anyone NOT like Paramore? :lol: I've never heard them, so I make no judgment, it just seems like everybody likes them - what of theirs should I listen to anyway?
Oh, but I utterly loathe Avril Lavigne - "hey hey you you I could be your girlfriend" COME ON DANIEL :loco: :lol: Oooh, and actually, she had another song that always played along with the above list that I hated just as much, that one where she's like "get out of my bed, get out of my head, yeah that's what I said" UGGGGHHHHHH
Their best song IMO is Decode, from the paramore soundtrack, less pop-punk and darker than their other stuff, I hope their new album is more like that song. Although I do enjoy both their albums. Decode reminds me A LOT of Katatonia a-la Viva emptiness, the guitars and even the vocal line of the bridge is sooo Katatonia I can imagine Jonas' twin (HOT) sister singing it and the katatonia dudes playing

you can also check the video for misery business, lot more poppy but I love it too
Oh, but I utterly loathe Avril Lavigne - "hey hey you you I could be your girlfriend" COME ON DANIEL :loco: :lol: Oooh, and actually, she had another song that always played along with the above list that I hated just as much, that one where she's like "get out of my bed, get out of my head, yeah that's what I said" UGGGGHHHHHH

oh that i could be your girlfriend is a piece of shit hahaha I mean her first two albums, totally different from that horible song