Have you heard the new Shakira album?


Anssi Tenhunen
I literally almost vomited when I heard the first song (and yes, it's a single!), it's so fucking awful :puke: This is pretty much the exact reason why I stopped listening to radio years ago.

Shakira used to be cool back before america turned her into a pepsi product. That being said, I was never a fan of her voice. (or what's left of it, Auto-Tune)
its so sad that Shakira has allowed her music to devolve to this. this girl is truly a musical prodigy, writing songs since she was 8. she speaks like 4 or 5 languages and writes songs in 3. her first major album release was awesome, a great pop rock album which she wrote and recorded when she was like 14! she writes, sings, plays guitars and is one of the only "natural" cures for erectile dysfunction.

how she allowed her music to come to this, i have no idea :erk:
she speaks like 4 or 5 languages and writes songs in 3

I really don't see it as that big of a deal as many finns can communicate enough to do business in finnish, english and swedish, in addition many have read for example russian, french, german or spanish. for example I am maybe the most lazy person when it comes to studying languages, but I can communicate in finnish, english, swedish, japanese and german on atleast some degree (but I haven't used german in almost 10 years so it might be pretty rusty, but I got pretty good basic understanding on japanese when I was a proofreader on this one fansub-group for a good few years until the series I was proofreading got lisenced in Finland; I even went on a couple of courses to understand the basic hiragana and katakana writing).
What amazes me on Shakira is not her intelligence (I know she is a genius), neither her music (which is "ok", although this new one really sucks). But this is pure win:
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haha, saw this on the first page of facebook, reminded me of this thread:
