Just 5 People!!!!!!!!!!

Alright everyone!
What we have here is a situation August is looking pretty sad in the way of listners we are yet to crack 800 listning hours this month and to beat last month (we have beat the previous month every month since we started) we have to get 2260 hours and we only have 18 days left.
If I can talk 5 of you into tuning in and leaving it tuned in 24 hours a day not only will we spank the hours from last month we will jump into the top 10 of all metal stations!
Lets fuck this up tune in and rawk!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I listened....about 3-4 hours last night and left it turned on (just pushed the power button off on my speakers) when i went to sleep. Slept for another 8-9 hours so i guess that would be 12 hours done.
icilian fenner said:
this tactic somewhat dishounorable?:err:
I kind of agree...but also don't. I listen to some of my friends bands on line sometimes a few times a week just to get them some plays on their pages. It help them out. And I love the music, so it doesn't bother me to listen to it. But you can't vote or anything when you are sleeping, so it really doean't do you any good personally, but it does help support the station, I can understand that. I can't tune in very often. Iam usually ont he computer after the kids go to bed or when the baby is napping in early afternoon. I will try to tune in more often though :Spin:
In this fucked up world of ours it seems apparent that the only way to do things is by being as nasty & as under handed as the next person, So i agree with Wes & i tend to leave Rapture playing all day really just in case my band gets played but its on anyway.

Rapture is playing at my work the whole day and I leave it on when I go home. The only thing is that when I return the next day the connection is gone. Don't know what the problem could be.
And I have it playing at home when I am not working on the reviewws for the BRUTALISM site.

And I think that what Wes asked about leaving it on with no volume ie if your grandparents are visting, the dumbest ass will understand how to do this and why....
icilian fenner said:
this tactic somewhat dishounorable?:err:

hmmmmm very hollow tactic dude, :OMG:

you think that you would like to have an actual gauge to how well your station is doing, since no one is listening and you have to resort to doing something like having phantom listeners that says alot about what people think of the job you are doing.

but if stats are the only thing that matters as it appears to be, the next time you announce that Rapture Radio is whatever # in the ratings and you are slaying the competition well i hope that you can do that with a straight face cause i will be sure lmao.
sorry dude, didnt know i was not suppose to post in the thread ... my bad, just browsing thru UtlMetal and saw Rapture and took a peek and saw the thread.
i hardly call what i did a low tactic thou, i mean compared to what you did to Brutality Radio and all.
... but whatever, BTW dude i am not part of the consiparcy group that is trying to ban you from L365, happenstance brought me across this thread and i made a comment.
By the way boss do you know of such a conspiracy and if so whay arent the parties involved adult enough to come right here or hit the ol email button and speak their fuckin minds?
As far as the shallowness towards Brutallity I stated it on the board and I will state it here as well,If their skin is so fuckin thin that a little comment by a broadcaster who is a "nobody" like Rapture causes them to get an investigation launched without the balls to contact me then fuck em.
I never stated anything untrue or personal about them I only stated I wanted to kick their ass and guess what I want to kick my moms ass if she is competing with me.
So I am really tired of explaining what I did I dont mince words I am a person who strives to be the best and push till I am satisfied which is never end o story.
Back to the main point if you are in contact with those lobbying to get me banned sugest to them they stop being pussies and bring the cards to the table.
Fact is I have a beef with only 2 of the others on the board honestly and they know who they are so if others have a beef with me I didnt start it but if they bring it here we can get the cards on the table and either settle our differances or thwy can continue to be gutless and in that case I have no respect for them anyhow.
...actually the 'conspiracy' comment was used as it related to comments made at the other forum, with mulder and stuff being brought up.
LoL :Spin:
...as for what the beef is between you and the "other" station and pissed off the other broadcasters (including myself if true), i think is a little different complaint than what you think happened. My understanding is that, it has nothing to do with comments you made about being #1 and competiton but rather the raping of a broadcasters guestbook. Like i said in the other forum (which was deleted) that if thats true thats dirty pool.
...But once again since i don't know this first hand, and prolly hearing the second/third/fourth to ninth hand version i am prolly not the the person to comment on this war. Having said that i must also state that i have never talked with the "other station" i don't know them or know anything about them, in fact like you i am just as much as a black sheep at L365 as you, well except you out vigor-tude me by 1000% :worship:
...anyways time to leave my puter and drink my face-off