Just a Hi to the old-timers.


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
Visit site
Well, Hi to everybody here, but a special Hi to the likes of :

Satori, Lina, HoserHellspawn, Opet, Orchid, Forlorn Soul, Demonspell, warsofwinter, Hearse, Lakestream, Mark, Soulreaper, MountainDweller, General Zod, Wolff, winter-frost, Onan, Jo, Villain, luke, BurzumBeast, and others I've probably missed who've been around from when I started in May.

I've noticed less posts from the old-timers, or maybe now there are so many newbies, it just gets more difficult to follow. I was feeling just a little bit sentimental.:waah:
Well, a big HELLO to you as well Metalmancpa! :)

I have spent the most of my "online-time" at the Dark Tranquillity-forum lately, so that's the reason you haven't seen me here so often. But don't you worry, I'll still read this one occasionally.

-Villain (whose nickname, btw, is NOT spelled "Villian")
And Duvall!

Yeah, I can't believe it's been SEVEN MONTHS! And I'm more addicted now than ever! :grin:

I too hope that the old-timers will stick around. We've had some fascinating conversations. And there are several new people who I think add greatly (in terms of quality) to the board, as well.
Originally posted by Sadistik
Arrrrrrrrgh...and don't forget Sadistik! I just don't post as many as you post fiends like LIna, Hoser, and you, metalman!

Sorry man - I couldn't remember everybody (sounds like the end of an award acceptance speech:lol: )
I'm certainly guilty of not posting as much anymore. The forum has grown to be so big. I really don't have time for such a large discussion group. I'll check the board one day and the next day there might be 50 new threads in front of me. I just can't keep up. Sadly I also have to admit that the board doesn't interest me as much as it used to. I tend to find that a lot of the topics now are completely uninteresting to me or that they are just recycled stuff that's been said a few hundred times before. It also seems that the members are not as close, not as friendly, and a wee bit more immature now as well. All of this was bound to happen eventually as the board grew and it's nothing that I didn't expect. Don't get me wrong, this is still a great board, one of the best that I know of, and I'm sure I'll still be lurking in the shadows from time to time. It just seems to me that most of the magic has faded away.
Metalmancpa, you forgot to mention me (I must be one of the old-timers since I registered in May 2001)...but I don't blame you, since I've only posted 30 times during these months. On the Internet, as in real life, I prefer to silently watch the world from the shadows, where I belong...that's how I mantain what my Colorgenics.com profile calls my "air of superiority".
Originally posted by Soul Forlorn
Sadly I also have to admit that the board doesn't interest me as much as it used to. I tend to find that a lot of the topics now are completely uninteresting to me or that they are just recycled stuff that's been said a few hundred times before. It also seems that the members are not as close, not as friendly, and a wee bit more immature now as well. All of this was bound to happen eventually as the board grew and it's nothing that I didn't expect. It just seems to me that most of the magic has faded away.

Kind of where this Hi thread originated from in my head. As I've followed this board, I knew it would grow like this. And there are many new "friends" here now. It's like any sport here in America - like hockey - there were just 6 teams once. Now - 20+ : those teams have become part of the masses now. Us originals haven't faded away - we've just become more of the masses.

Even with the growth - it is still the best board around. I'm guilty of starting many threads - so I can see why so many new threads happen each day. So many people want to get things off their chests, or have a decent conversation about a subject important to them. But as in life, time tends to seperate things - so this thread will stand as a bonding Hi for those I've gotten to know over the months. [damn - sentimental again:waah: ]
Originally posted by Lina
And there are several new people who I think add greatly (in terms of quality) to the board, as well.

Of course you're talking about me, right? :grin: ;) BTW Did you notice there's another guy from Maryland?
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Kind of where this Hi thread originated from in my head. As I've followed this board, I knew it would grow like this. And there are many new "friends" here now. It's like any sport here in America - like hockey - there were just 6 teams once. Now - 20+ : those teams have become part of the masses now. Us originals haven't faded away - we've just become more of the masses.

Good analogy. I'm sure part of me would miss the days of the original 6, had I been alive to watch - with all the rivalries, it must have been great hockey. Now, teams often will go an entire season without playing a single game against certain other teams. And thus, is this forum.

The past three days, actually, have been my lowest point of activity here since May. I spent awhile making the splash page graphic, and have barely been able to keep up with seeing if there has been much reaction on the forum, nevermind other threads. I have sooo many other things to do - in front of the computer alone - that are eternally delayed, nevermind post here...

Once I went back to work, and the forum grew... it's getting hard.

Right now, my unread threads run 3 pages deep! I'll never get through all of them, it's late, I have to work tomorrow...