Just after buying Revalver mkIII

Nov 6, 2002
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Hey guys,

Based on all the stuff I've read, and samples I've heard on this forum, I decided to take the plunge and buy revalver mkIII. I will be running my guitar into an Apogee Duet interface, which is connected to my Macbook Pro. I also use Logic pro 8 (also thanks to the recommendations on this forum).

I don't know anything about Revalver, or much about recording guitars. For my last demo CD, I used my Pod 2.0 (which I may still use for some guitar leads) and got it to sound good by using lots of tracks.

So I'm just asking you guys:

- Should I get any extra software to use along with revalver to help my guitar tone? (I've heard other stuff mentioned on this forum like compression tools, etc. ) or is Revalver ok on it's own (as the makers would have you believe)?
- Can you point me to any good revalver threads
My company is about to release our first product next month, Recabinet, which is a collection of cabinet impulse responses that can be used with Revalver. In our tests it makes for substantially better tones with Revalver than using the stock Revalver impulses. Soon there will be a full site with clips, as well as a demo version you can check out.

Other than that, I suggest quad tracking your rhythm guitars (4 unique performances.) Hard pan two of the tracks, and 80% pan the other two. Think of it as two pairs, usually I use a bit more mids on the 80% panned tracks, but there's no rules. This is generally how most of us here (and most importantly Andy Sneap) get great sounds, regardless of whether it's with a real amp or amp simulation. As for leads, think of them more like a vocal track, make sure you roll off some of the lows and get a lot of nice high mids in there. Every instrument in your mix should sit in its own space, everything should be louder than everything else. :)
Doh... too late (by a couple of days)...

oh well...

Don't worry, Revalver MKIII is a very capable piece of software and the tweaking possibilities are far superior to a POD. What guitar and pickups do you have? I've noticed you can't really go wrong with quadtracking with an EMG81 equipped axe, using a TSS (a free vst tubescreamer) or similar in front of Revalver, the 6505 module and one of the excellent cab impulses found on this forum (*cough*GuitarHack's*cough*). After that it's just a matter of tweaking the tone.

Not sure if this is the kind of tone you're after, but it's my most recent test and I'm somewhat happy with it (don't mind the sloppy playing): http://www.syliin.com/jarkko/tainted/Livingdeadbeat.mp3
I think Podfarm is basically the same technology as Gearbox (albeit with dual amps). I think they just changed the name so people wouldn't get confused with all the different Gearbox assosiations. 006 you will have your mac VST support (hopefully we won't have to pay for an upgrade though).
Don't worry, Revalver MKIII is a very capable piece of software and the tweaking possibilities are far superior to a POD. What guitar and pickups do you have? I've noticed you can't really go wrong with quadtracking with an EMG81 equipped axe, using a TSS (a free vst tubescreamer) or similar in front of Revalver, the 6505 module and one of the excellent cab impulses found on this forum (*cough*GuitarHack's*cough*). After that it's just a matter of tweaking the tone.

Cool.. that's what I'd thought. I just wanted to "upgrade" from the POD because I want my band to have a more modern, better sound. Thanks for those tips, much appreciated :rock:

Not sure if this is the kind of tone you're after, but it's my most recent test and I'm somewhat happy with it (don't mind the sloppy playing): http://www.syliin.com/jarkko/tainted/Livingdeadbeat.mp3

Actually mate, this is exactly the kind of tone I'm after!! :kickass:That sounds great, and really close to CoB original sound (although not as bassy or as much of a low end as CoB - which is also cool and works fine).

I'm also recently after digging up this post:

The above tone also sounds really good, and I *might* also try it although it seems to take a lot of effort and time.

Yes outoftune, I guess it's all in the ear of the beholder!!
Yeah, fuck podfarm, and fuck Line 6 until they actually release a product that doesn't use the same stupid XT modeling engine from like '04
I think Podfarm is basically the same technology as Gearbox (albeit with dual amps). I think they just changed the name so people wouldn't get confused with all the different Gearbox assosiations. 006 you will have your mac VST support (hopefully we won't have to pay for an upgrade though).

I just saw a clip from SoundOnSound.com on POD Farm. It's EVERY model they have made and unlike AmpFarm comes in a VST/AU format. AmpFarm I believe was stictly RTAS/TDM.

I agree with Metaltastic to an extent though. If there's no new technology/improvements I wouldn't bother with POD Farm. However, I've never played with anything Line6 for more than 5 minutes so unless they're shit is leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else's it's pointless.
I just saw a clip from SoundOnSound.com on POD Farm. It's EVERY model they have made and unlike AmpFarm comes in a VST/AU format. AmpFarm I believe was stictly RTAS/TDM.

I agree with Metaltastic to an extent though. If there's no new technology/improvements I wouldn't bother with POD Farm. However, I've never played with anything Line6 for more than 5 minutes so unless they're shit is leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else's it's pointless.

Gearbox offers me everything too.....PodFarm will come in 2 versions, one LE kind of thing where its only a few, and one with everything.

The technology is exactly the same as Gearbox (and PodXT's etc). Ampfarm was only TDM, PodFarm will support everything.
However, I've never played with anything Line6 for more than 5 minutes so unless they're shit is leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else's it's pointless.

As a matter of fact, it's leaps and bounds behind everyone else's, most of all Revalver :Smug: Such a pity, Line 6 used to rule (though they still build very solid products, my Podxt and FBV express footcontroller were indestructible)
Haha, thanks Ed. Although I don't think I will be using anything but MKIII for quite a while, until either MKIV comes out or somebody else makes a big breakthrough. MKIII definitely covers a lot of territory and going back and forth from a friend's XT with model packs to MKIII, I can say that no amount of tweaking with the Line6 stuff can get you that thump and bigness of a real amp like MKIII can. Kyle (Bloodjinn) can attest to this as well because he went through the same thing recently with his Pod tones, which are amazing and I didn't think they were Pod at all until he told me, and MKIII. He goes back and forth each day it seems but I think he is really happy with the MKIII stuff now. Until tomorrow anyway :lol:

In fact, I'm just after finding the tones from Bloodjinn, and they're amazing!!

As soon as my revalver arrives in the post, I will try to use his signal chain to get a good sound.

From what I'm hearing, it takes a bit of work to get the Revalver sounding truly good - but it's work that's well worth putting in from the sounds of Bloodjinn :)
Sorry to derail your thread but speaking of Recabinet, Kazrog - have you tried making any impulses with Nebula 3? If so, what have your impressions been?

I'm in the process of doing some research with it. If the results prove worthwhile it may find a place in what I'm doing with Recabinet, but right now it's fairly low on the priority list.