Just anothe reason to hate MUSLIMS

Can't some little thing be done when no one is looking ?

Crooked fuckin bastards...

This time i agree about this PARTICULAR MUSLIM and his ILK...

Fucking pussies target what's easiest cause they don't have the balls to stand up to our armies...

What's manly about slaying a bunch of innocent women and children to further your political beliefs....
just picture a christian priest bombing an abortion clinic!!!!!!!!!! world war 3 would ensue, but with this terrorist fuck they go the tolerance rout and look for a way to excuse his behavior, fuck that bullshit
I try to understand these people but I can't. In our sick little world whenever you voice your opinion about someone who is a different race then you, your labeld a racist. When ever you question these muslims intentions people look at you like they agree but don't say shit to back you up. So If voicing my distaste for Muslims and there culture makes me a racist. GUILTY AS CHARGED AND I DONT CARE. The U.S military isnt the boy scouts but we try to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. Last I checked we don't slaughter women and children (though in somecases we should).
prime666 said:
I try to understand these people but I can't. In our sick little world whenever you voice your opinion about someone who is a different race then you, your labeld a racist. When ever you question these muslims intentions people look at you like they agree but don't say shit to back you up. So If voicing my distaste for Muslims and there culture makes me a racist. GUILTY AS CHARGED AND I DONT CARE. The U.S military isnt the boy scouts but we try to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. Last I checked we don't slaughter women and children (though in somecases we should).

I´m all with you, Prime!
The major problem is, this planet is full of hippies.
T_man357 said:
And liberals & hippies are the same damn thing!!!!:yow: :yow:

The czech liberal party (or so called liberals) are the biggest dickheads and pussies in our political system, so I have to agree.
shitty people need some crap to believe in. muslims are a pathetic waist of life. its good that america and europe drain the majority of the worlds resources.

like SOD said "when i think of the starving, do you think i care? let them die hungry so i can breath their air"
There is really something good on American political system-two parties, republicans vs. democrats. I mean, I wish we could have it here. Because here it´s quite more complicated.
Anyway I wasn´t talking about liberals in general. I mean, why not. But there is a party calling themselves "liberals" and they suck so much ass, I cannot stand them. But it will take a looooong debate.