Just bought a set of KRK rokkit 5's

Tommy Evans

Jul 19, 2011
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Actually just one. Guitar center only had two of those monitors in and some asshole wanted to buy just one of them. So I bought the last one and will be picking up the second one in a few days hopefully.

Anyway, anyone else who has these or has had these, do I need to know anything about them before I hook em up? They say they are flat but in my experiance most monitors arent. Just looking for some insight and opinions on these KRK G2 5s.
Ah see that's what I had to do with my old monitors and something I don't want to have to do regularly. Where do you boost your mixes at on the 8s?

I remember on my old M-Audio AV30's my rule was, if theres a little too much Low end happening, then it would be good on real world speakers.
There's something off in the mids about these, I can't put my finger on it though. All I know is that my 700-3k almost never transfers well if I mix only through mine. The lack of low end will throw you off too.
Testing my mix on Ipod headphones, car speakers, studio headphones, friends car stereo, anything I can. I'm thinking of getting a second pair of reference monitors as well.