Just came back from a weekend of hospital sleepover..

Jun 2, 2005
Holy shit, i was eating schnitzels (yes) at home saturday evening, and the very last bite was apparently of such large proportions, it got stuck in the pipe and would NOT get out!

At first i was cool about it, as such things happen right? i've had it before and believed it would go away after a few minutes.. so i start beating myself on the back and try to get it out, but 3 hours later it was still stuck in there and it prevented me from drinking and eating.. one tiny sip of water and would puke out twice more of whatever that was that came out.
totally stressed out.

So i went to the first emergency help post in the hospital, felt really silly telling them that this big lump of schnitzel is preventing me from eating and drinking, but to hell with it.. it hurt like hell and it got me stressed out quite a bit.

So they had me trying water.. lol :puke: then they gave me some thick cookies who could drag the obstruction down with em, but :puke: instead.
So all tired and stressed i wanted this thing OUT OF MY PIPE! It was saturday though.. so they let me sleep over there till sunday.. kept puking pretty much all night long and im now up 30 hours as i type this. :lol:

Here come the fun part though.. they went just a few hours ago in and had a look with a snake cam.. fuckin hell, i cried like there was no tomorrow... gag reflexes every 3 seconds and it did not help that there were 6-7 people just wanting to watch it because "it's really interesting yes.. yes indeed"... :yuk:
So im gagging and crying while they laugh it up because this HUGE piece of meat has been found on camera.. they shove it down to my stomach with the cam and boom.. done, no more complaints just really tired from the stress and lack of sleep.

Point being?

Fucken hell! That must have been horrible. I can't imagine what I would do. I don't really get 'where' it was stuck. You could vomit but not eat and drink? How the hell?

Anyways, glad you're alright.
That sucks! Glad you are ok though. I had a similar thing happen to me. Except after only about 10 minutes of panicking before I barfed it out. You must digest tour food whole like I do. Sucks sometimes, but more time to goof off on lunch. Haha

Delicious, yet deadly.

Incidentally your story made me super hungry for schnitzel. :oops:

Glad you are ok now.

I just finished 2 schnitzels 30 seconds before I read this post.

They're lethal man! you are crazy.. MADNESS!

Marcus, socialnumb, i cant tell you where it got stuck really, because i could not see the TV where you could follow the procedure, was too busy deepthroating the snakecam anyway.