just checking in

I've been using all my will-power NOT to take a day off and play Thief 3 for 18 hours straight. Specially a game like that, you can spend an hour on it and still not have accomplished much... You NEEDS immersion.
Gloating about your day off. I am having the WORST day EVER at work right now. Everything that could possibly go wrong with these goddamn clients is, and the systems aren't working right and they keep kicking us out and screwing shit up. ARGH!!! I hate being this dependant on technology. Half of my problems would be non-existant if it weren't for this damn computer. *sigh*
Nutbutter, this is what I wrote about Doom 3 at some other place:

This is a great game.. but I feel like I should point out that the only revolutionary thing about it is the rendering engine and the visuals. The gameplay is standard. You fight for your life as you move from one location to another. This is all fine and dandy though, because the game paints a freakishly intense atmosphere unlike anything I've ever seen before in a video game. The first few levels had me literally scared to progress onwards. I would be standing before an open doorway and I would quit the game thinking "okay, this is too intense. I can't handle this right now." Then after a few minutes of sitting and staring at my screen, I'd boot up the game and start playing again. The "OMG FUCK ME" scares wear off after a few levels, once you get used to the enemies and such. But even now, like 70% done with the game, I still feel genuinely scared and nervous exploring the base.. even though I may not be jumping and yelping like a little girl like I was during the first few levels.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that the game is fucking creepy. It does an excellent job of making you feel uneasy and scared and alone. Plus it's fun! Really fun! I've had a hard time prying myself away from it.

So in summation: this game has a heavy atmosphere and is fucking intense. Excellent game so far. I still have another 30% or so to go. My only real gripe is that it seems to be a bit too easy on Normal. I wish I would have put the difficulty up a notch for my first playthrough, but whatever. Definitely pick it up if it sounds like your thing.

So yeah, I think it's a good game!
Thank you for the hug, I needed that. *hugs* One of my co-workers just calmed a fit of rage after a particularly bad phone call by rocking me and singing to me. She's the best.