just come back from a certain gig... :)


Junior Member
May 29, 2001
London, England
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just come back from the London gig by a small band called OPETH....

Withering Surface - Crap, Iron Maiden wannabees, redeeming feature, they didnt feel the urge to say London all the time (which most if not all non-british bands say about 5-6 times a gig)

Arch Enemy - shes got a good growl i must say, but at the end of the day none of the support bands were my cup of tea, so don't bother replying with abuse about how great they are, i understand you might like them, just i didnt. the last 2-3 songs were alright/good.

what can i say about Opeth though, better than the last time (December 4th) better sound, better performance, better crowd.

two changes from the set that was on the last tour:

The Leper Affinity
GODHEADS LAMENT - only 2nd ever time played live
The Drapery Falls
THE FUNERAL PORTRAIT - never heard that one live before, brilliant, awesome, highlight of the show
White Cluster
Demon Of The Fall

the order is roughly right, hmm, i as far as i can remember that means that they played one less song, never realised that, well Mikael said that they had to be quick for Demon of the fall as the club was being used afterwards, thats maybe why, cant say im too bothered, it was still great, no Orchid track this time though.

at the end i got about 6 nice new BWP tour/re-release A3 posters, which was nice, a gave a few away, being the nice person i am...

in short it was a brilliant gig as you would expect, The Funeral Portrait is a must live listen, i mean its just wow, its a great live song, i see it in the live set as a regular soon.

oh and one more thing, i have to say that i've seen some support bands i've never heard of before and enjoyed them, BUT i think that support is a bit long and dull at times, when you dont like them that is, so i say bands should only have ONE support band for a 30/45 minute set, i mean because of having that extra support band (Withering Surface) Opeth had to sacrafice a song, and a lot of other bands ive seen have had to cut out a few songs as they ran out of time...but Opeth were great, im so happy they swapped the dates round with Manchester i think it was, otherwise i wouldnt have been able to go
I've been waiting for them to play The Funeral Portrait. Someone better have recorded that.
Originally posted by MountainDweller

Some fuckwad was trying to sell them outside for 50p each. Asshole. I wanted one, too.

what an arsehole, just as i was about to walk out, the bloke next to me oppened a door and took out a massive pile, so i almost missed out, and i just handed them out as i was walking down the road, oh well, some people just like to con others...:rolleyes:

any PICS to share!?

um, i don't have a camera BUT there were loads of people with those nice digital cameras taking pics so someones gonna post them on the net i would think...

and once again The Funeral Portrait has to be a regular now, its better than i ever dreamed it could be live.
i leave you with a quote:

Mikael - ''your all so quiet...but we like it'' :grin:
Went yesterday as well, good gig overall. Didn't really get into withering surface, but I remember liking them when I heard them on CD ages ago, but wasn't too impressed with them either.

Arch Enemy: Fuck Yes! Although they didn't play black earth(my favorite track) they were brilliant. The new vocalist can growl, has stage presence and the whole band just, well, rock! Very very good sound also. And Christopher Amott can play! :eek: :notworthy

Then Opeth. Set list has been described above, and after running about for arch enemy, time to kick back, relax and enjoy the atmosphere. Opeth are brilliant live, sorry to rub it into everyone, but they are, and this more than made up for missing them when they played with katatonia. They had everyone transfixed :) , not as good as when I saw them at wacken, but then again I can't be expected to lose my opeth-virginity twice :grin: (unless I suffer memory loss). I also don't know why they are criticised by some people for being boring live. It wouldn't fit, and the way they do it is perfect.

Kind of makes me wish I was going or had gone to several more of their gigs...

Altogether a very good night, followed by much drunkenness and merriness

wow i thought withering surface were awesome. never heard them before, and I hardly ever get into live music ive not heard before. very impressed, gotta get some of their stuff. as for arch enemy, well of course they ruled :).

personally I'd have preferred bleak in place of the funeral portrait. Still, awesome set by opeth.