Just donated to Red Cross for Haiti...

I'd like to donate too... any recomendation apart from Red Cross?

I'e been told that some banks and paypal charge you for the donation... is it tru?

Not sure actually but there was a link on the homepage of my credit card directing to the Red Cross so I figured while I'm paying my bill I could make a contribution. Was pretty easy, couple clicks ...

you can try this:

I find financial donations a bit of a waste. I prefer to actually send stuff that helps. I don't know I just, dont trust some of these organisations and I feel better when I actually make the effort and it just feels more charitable. In any case, well done dude!
If you're going to make a financial donation, Red Cross is the way to do it. Donating to grocery stores on checkout, or texting that number to add to your cell phone bill gets the money there, but also gives the corporation a big fat tax write-off.
Here in Holland we have one organisation (GIRO 555) that collects for all organisations Red Cross, AMREF Flying Doctors etc.etc. Last campaign for the Tsunami, they gathered about 90 million euro's. Now 2 years later, they still have 50 million left in there, since they can't put the money anywhere and the organisations are fighting about it!! And now again they've been busy raising money for Haiti, and it got up to 80 million, now our government is doubling that amount, so a total of 160 million euros. It's all nice and great, but if that money keeps getting stuck in those organisations, I really don't care to donate. How bad I feel for the people, and the things that have happened there, again a thing of bureaucracy that comes back at you and bites you in the ass when you put your best effort into donating money, and even a million times worse for the people on the other end, that the money is collected for, doesn't reach them.