Just Dropped By To Say Hi.

Understood oyo. Here is a picture of me:

Welcome, Kushantaiidan! :wave: Have a nice day! (couldn't see any of the pics.....) That avatar of yours kind of reminded me of My Little Pony.... With the colours and everything :) Hehe...
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
You're a guy?? Hehe, very cool avatar indeed!! :D

Lol!!! >:eek:)))) I was expecting that cause of his
lovely avi! >:eek:) Cool to see you over here Kush!
Just don't take over the whole forum and make
overlyfunny threads, I'm quite sure the people
here will not welcome them >:eek:P Hehe....

Though _I_ like reading (some of) them >:eek:)