Had built a fucking airplane! In 1910 he was able to fly it or some shit, hes getting inducted into a hall of fame for it in rhode island. Pretty f'in sweet if you ask me. His name is otto hermann
Article here
Article here
Honestly dude I've been looking for years about info on my family history and have been coming up with nothing every single time. According to my dad the family name was changed sometime ago due to some austrian shit that I still dont know about but am trying to find.
Could be your family were one of the Hitlers that vanished from the New York phonebook after the war broke out in earnest.
My family has a tradition of ignoring our relatives/pretending our parents don't exist, so there really isn't any information at all to be researched!
Im Jewish....
That's one thing I'm jealous about with you Americans. For some reason so many of you can dig up your past. Or at least you have grand stories that can be passed on about the journey to the new land. With serious digging, my longest line stops at my great, great grandmother who was a maid for a family of bluebloods and never had to work again after getting pregnant with my great grandfather, for obvious reasons my great, great grandfather isn't known. Either way, by the sounds of things I'm supposed to be well off. lol