Just found out my Great Great Grandfather...


Be Creative, Get Laid
Apr 7, 2009
Had built a fucking airplane! In 1910 he was able to fly it or some shit, hes getting inducted into a hall of fame for it in rhode island. Pretty f'in sweet if you ask me. His name is otto hermann

Article here
That's one thing I'm jealous about with you Americans. For some reason so many of you can dig up your past. Or at least you have grand stories that can be passed on about the journey to the new land. With serious digging, my longest line stops at my great, great grandmother who was a maid for a family of bluebloods and never had to work again after getting pregnant with my great grandfather, for obvious reasons my great, great grandfather isn't known. Either way, by the sounds of things I'm supposed to be well off. lol
Honestly dude I've been looking for years about info on my family history and have been coming up with nothing every single time. According to my dad the family name was changed sometime ago due to some austrian shit that I still dont know about but am trying to find. So finding anything on my family is really hard to do because I dont know what the original name was. My grandmother just emailed this over to me thats the only reason I know about this one as it was her grandfather thats the inductee. And this guy is on my mothers side of the family, which coincidentally, is still the first piece of family history i've ever heard about.
Both of my grandparents were adopted on my mother's side, and my father was adopted and doesn't know much about his family...I know that I'm 1/2 Italian with some other stuff and my mom's mom was somehow related to Nikola Tesla.
My grandfather did some serious research on my family and draw a family tree
(he studied art, so it looked pretty cool :D ) that goes back to 1650 and me and
my brother are on there as babies, the whole thing is like 2 1/2 metres long and
1 1/2 metres wide...He was searching for all his relatives and stuff for like 7 years.
My grandfather and uncle are genealogy nerds. They've traced our family line back to some Spanish family that served as legionnaires to one of the Caesars or something like that. :p

Honestly dude I've been looking for years about info on my family history and have been coming up with nothing every single time. According to my dad the family name was changed sometime ago due to some austrian shit that I still dont know about but am trying to find.

Could be your family were one of the Hitlers that vanished from the New York phonebook after the war broke out in earnest. :p
That's one thing I'm jealous about with you Americans. For some reason so many of you can dig up your past. Or at least you have grand stories that can be passed on about the journey to the new land. With serious digging, my longest line stops at my great, great grandmother who was a maid for a family of bluebloods and never had to work again after getting pregnant with my great grandfather, for obvious reasons my great, great grandfather isn't known. Either way, by the sounds of things I'm supposed to be well off. lol

So your great grandfather was Jack the Ripper :lol:
Sorry dude, just joking, I recently read Alan Moore's "From Hell" and there are similarities with your story. No offense intended.