Just got DC++


Feb 6, 2004
Northern VA
Can any of you guys tell me what hubs to check out? I have been using Soulseek, so I don't know anythign about DC++. All I did was download and install, and now I opened the program. I told it to share my Soulseek downloads folder and I THINK that I know how to connect to hubs, although I have been unsuccessfull so far with connecting to anything.
cool. keep posting. Im currently only sharing 5 gigs or so, so I cant get into the 10 gig hubs. How do they know where to re-direct you?
I see. Man, this programs seems to be much better than Soulseek.

How do you guys go about downloading. Do you search for a band then click on one of the user's who came up in yoru search results and then see if they have the whole album?

What are the different types of Searches? I see Search, Search ADL, and Search Spy
Great thread guys, I've been looking for some decent metal hubs. I think sticking to DC++ is best since some servers will reject other clients. I used odc++ for a while and kept on getting kicked from hubs!