Just got me tickets for 'Robert Plant'

Did he keep a budgie down his kex?
o Richard Cole's, erm, interpretation, of where Plant got the, much
overused by the media, nickname Percy is that the band were
sitting around watching a gardening show on tv, the host of which
was called Percy, and who took great delight in growing his plants
to perfection. However, it has also been claimed the nickname
sprung from Plant's campy onstage behaviour and effeminate type of
mannerisms in the early days of the band. Another possible source
of the nickname was The Kink's rock-opera, later made into a film
starring Hwyel Bennet, called "Percy". The film was named after
the main character whose preoccupation in life was his libido and
inordinately large genitals. On the other hand, Percy may have
just been a one-time joke that has been cliche'd by the media, and
not really a regularly used nickname at all. More recently, Plant
has been referred to as Planty by his ex-guitarist and friend
Francis Dunnery.

I met Robert Plant last year. He said his favourite pastimes were drinking and telling lies.
Light said:
I met Robert Plant last year. He said his favourite pastimes were drinking and telling lies.

yeah but it wasnt really robert plant, see thats one of his lies, no hang on that doesnt make sense, no yeah, no wait a minute