Just got my first Distressor Compressor <3!!!

Damn dude, sounds great! Singer has a pretty cool voice, any info on the band? And/or the rest of the mix?
Its actually all me, I wrote, played, sang, recorded and produced everything myself. You can catch me on iTunes, Chris Avery.
Sounds pretty damn good man! Great vocals indeed! Any details on what you used for vocals and overall mix/mastering? Sounds really good.
Vocals chain was Oktava Mk319 -> Yamaha PM2000 -> Distressor then some ITB verb. Im glad you liked it man!
fuckin' awesome!!! compression sounds VERY 'distressor-y' in the best way possible...! liquidy, creamy and smashed. some of your 'S' and 'T's are too heavily clamped by either the compression or a de-esser making it sound more like a fart sound.... i'd change some of the tonality in certain parts of the song regarding your voice, but that's about it!