Just got the new Mercenary album...

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
And as someone who is not a Mercenary fan, I must say that the new album is incredible! It's amazing to think that this is the same band who released Everblack, which is one of the worst albums in my collection. And while 11 Dreams was a huge improvement over Everblack, there were still a fair amount of terrible songs on it. Where Mercenary lose me is in the bang the drums/blast the power riffs while screaming mallcore style. The new album still has some of this... but it usually only lasts for a few seconds when they go into it. There's a lot of excellent melodic lead work and fantastic singing. The band were NEVER capable of a song like "Soul Decision" before. I was TOTALLY not expecting them to take their music in this direction and am very glad they did.

I also picked up Wastefall's Self Exile album and Jorn's "Out to Every Nation." The Wastefall was fairly disappointing upon first listen, especially compared to the two excellent mp3s Glenn had posted on this site. The Jorn album, however, is AWESOME! I was blown away, especially when you compare it to to The Duke which I was slightly underwhelemed by.

Anyway, EVERYONE needs to check out the latest Mercenary album ASAP. Next to Dragonforce's Inhuman Rampage, I dare say the new Mercenary is the best of 2006. Yes, it's that good. Hot damn!

The Michael
Honestly, I've had the album since the 21st of August, and I've just been too busy/lazy to post my review of it, but I'm glad you like it.

We're of totally opposite mindsets when it comes to Mercenaries 2 previous albums. I think Everblack is one of the single best performed CD's I have ever heard from any band. It's chalk full of character and feeling. It's a very dark album with a very good vibe feeling, if you will. It seemed like it was a lot of fun to make.

11 Dreams, for me, seemed.. I dunno.. strained. It's a good album, but it's a far cry from the Everblack I fell in love with. I like 11 dreams, but I don't think it was up to par for the band.

The Hours That Remain as you clearly stated, is a record for non-mercenary fans to enjoy. I agree with this. However, as a Mercenary fan, I must say that this album is an absolutely FANTASTIC effort by the band to improve themselves, deal with the fact that the founding member left, and trudge on. Mikkel took the monster that is Mercenary, and made it his own. How did it work out?

The. Best. Album. Of. The. Year.

I would normally be inclined to say Elvenking's album "The Winter Wake" would take the cake after a mind blowing performance by the original lineup + Elyghen after an incredibly bad and disappointing sophomore album "WYRD", but the vast improvements in the new super-rich sound of Mikkel's (clean) voice and the shining musical talents of the other members of Mercenary (Especially Mike Park, the drummer.. what wonderful work on THTR) make this album one of the ages.

On and on, but I need to run for now.
I love Everblack, 11 Dreams is one of my favorite albums of all time. So far, The Hours That Remain doesn't stack up to either of these albums. Albums tend to grow on me though, so I'm giving it another week to blow me away.

I really miss Kral's low end vocals.
The Hours that Remain > Everblack > 11 Dreams

I wonder if they're gonna open up with Redefine Me, World Hate Center, or something else...anybody have any recent set lists of theirs?
All this raving about 11 Dreams and Everblack amazes me. The music on The Hours That Remain actually has some melody and thought behind it. A LOT of Everblack and 11 Dreams was the typical blast the power chords, bang the drums and scream for 3 verses crap. Mercenary have this really thick heavy low end that rocks and is probably what attracts so many people to them. And while I enjoy it, without quality melodic songs, it makes for some pretty bland metal. I would only rate three songs from Everblack and 11 Dreams as fantastic: "Screaming from the Heavens", "11 Dreams", and "Firesoul." These are the only three songs that even compare to ANY of the ten on The Hours That Remain in quality.

I guess I'm trying to say that The Hours That Remain is a fantastic prog power album and completely altered my perception of what the band and what they are capable of.

The Michael
I like anything Mercenary but for some reason I always go back to Everblack, I just find it more interesting. Don't get me wrong though, this album is also killer.
Michael TEOF said:
A LOT of Everblack and 11 Dreams was the typical blast the power chords, bang the drums and scream for 3 verses crap. I would only rate three songs from Everblack and 11 Dreams as fantastic: "Screaming from the Heavens", "11 Dreams", and "Firesoul."

To each his own, but after all the raving about Firesoul, ... bleh. The song just doesn't do it for me, much like Year of The Plague. I really can't believe you don't care for Sieze the Night, which to this day still strikes me as Mercenary's Crown Jewel. Also badass from Everblack were the tracks Rescue Me and Alliance, while on 11 Dreams, you have Times Without Changes, which really, IMO, is a quiet sleeper on that album. I LOVE that song.
Yeah, that's what I said. If I was to play anyone a Mercenary song (regardless of what type of fan of metal they are) it would Seize the Night. It has their heaviness, their mix of vocals, melody, and an awesome chorus!
Michael TEOF said:
I would only rate three songs from Everblack and 11 Dreams as fantastic: "Screaming from the Heavens", "11 Dreams", and "Firesoul."
The Michael

You forgot "Times without changes" and "seize the night" !

other than that I am compelled to agree with you
11 Dreams is da bomb!!! the new one is excellent too but not as good.
It's not just Firesoul and 11 Dreams, World Hate Center and Sharpen the Edges, Supremacy V2.0 and Falling are all killer....

It's a heavier album than Hours...:kickass:

Hours is excellent too and is growing on me fast, but it's no 11 Dreams in my book.Not Yet anyways...
Nothing will touch the story and concept of 11 Dreams. But anything Mercenary does is a masterpiece, which is apparent on this new work of art. Amazing album. Every song is PERFECT. My album of the year, and I don't think anyone will top this one at this point. Cheers!