Just graduated bartending school with a shooter class, fuck yes I'm hammered


Bathrobed Architect
Dec 17, 2008
I just got out of my last class (technically) of bartending school before the final exam, and we made and sampled a shitton of shooters, and I've just drank about 13 different shots and 2 pints of Strongbow to my recollection, so I'm feeling chipper enough to tell you guys about the shots I had, and if you see what you like, order it because they were all fucking delicious (I personally made the storm warning and the PCB for the class):

B57 - Kahlua, Triple Sec, Sambuca
Termite - Kahlua, Peppermint Schnapps, Tequila
Mexican Flag - Green Creme de Menthe, Tequila, dash of Grenadine
Jolly Rancher - fuck me if I know, the teacher made that one, but I remember it consisting of a lot of Sour Puss flavors
PCB - Peppermint Schnapps, Cointreau, Bailey's
Storm Warning - Cherry Brandy/Whiskey, Creme de Cacao, Kahlua
Storm Warning + Amaretto - ^ + Amaretto
Carrot Cake - Kahlua, Bailey's, Goldschlager
Shirley Temple (Vodka Version) - Vodka, Cherry Brandy, dash Grenadine
Creamsicle - Triple Sec, Amaretto, Bailey's, O.J.
Purple Haze - Vodka, Cranberry Juice, Blue Caracao (orange liquer)

And of course the infamous Russian Roulette -

Half shot vodka, half shot Amaretto, Put on the glass a piece of lemon and sprinkle cinnamon, take a rock glass and fill it with a shot of sambouca and light the sambouca on fire, and then pour the sambouca over the shot whilst sprinkling even more cinnamon to help ignite the flame. Blow out, drink, and pass out!

Great fuckin' night all in all. Now onwards to the morning hangover and exam studies...
When I was in Florida about 5 years ago, I went bar hopping with 3 chicks. One of them had me try a Red Death. Mind you, I didn't pay for any of these! After 3 or 4 of those, chasing them with rum and Cokes, I was feeling a damn good buzz. If you make it right, it tastes like Hawaiian Punch. If I remember correctly, it's 2 shots of vodka, Southern Comfort, Grenadine, Triple Sec, Amoretto, cranberry juice, and orange juice. If You want exact measurements, I can e-mail my friend and ask.
B57s will kick your ass in the most subtle and sweet way. Worked in a bar too for a while.
We had this one called "Black No. 1": Kahlua, Jagermeister, apple juice, blue curacao, ice and a dash of lime. If the measurements are right, it does end up looking a greenish black.
:p. That reminds me of the time when I was at my 6th Cuba Libre and they poured me coke and lime as a 7th. I thanked them afterwards.
I took a bartending course a long time ago. It was 2 weeks long and my study partner was THE HOTTEST SWEDISH GIRL I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! Unfortunately she was also dumb as a rock and made it really hard for me to learn anything. We exchanged numbers and planned to go out and "practice drinking" but it never happened.

That's about all I remember from Bartending school. I've never even tried to get a bartending job haha.

Craysh, how you feelin right now, buddy? :lol:
Oh man, the night of my final exam was unbelievably awesome.

The day after... Yea, not that.
Man I wanna go to Bar Tending school.

A friend of mine is a bartender, he told me you have to start small in like restaurants and shit before they'll hire you at bars and clubs. I could afford the school now, I'm just wondering how easy it would be to find a job afterwards.
Bartender courses are cheap and easy to do. Can't really fail. Gotta work your ass off at the bottom of the chain. Restaurants, bus boys, bar-backs, etc.
I'd like to be a bartender just so I could spike everyone's drink with Visine and laugh my ass off at everyone scrambling for whatever receptacle they could relieve themselves in.
I took a bartending course a long time ago. It was 2 weeks long and my study partner was THE HOTTEST SWEDISH GIRL I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! Unfortunately she was also dumb as a rock and made it really hard for me to learn anything. We exchanged numbers and planned to go out and "practice drinking" but it never happened.

That's about all I remember from Bartending school. I've never even tried to get a bartending job haha.

Craysh, how you feelin right now, buddy? :lol:

Thanks for asking Kev, and to tell you truthfully, last night was not as bad as it should've been puking-wise. Chernoble was coming out of my ass more than it was from my throat, really. In fact, I don't recall ever puking from alcohol. Ever. I came damn close to it at a kegger once, but it never happened... Pepto saved my life this time, and lemon wedges definitely helped as well haha. But yeah, no hangover this morning really, and it was literally 25 degrees outside, so I was just enjoying some cheap Californian Pinot Grigio with some cigarettes out in the backyard to get some much needed Vitamin D around here, so yeah long story short I'm up and happening.
Listen, for some of these drinks, you don't order them because they're fruity, they also happen to get you drunk very fucking quickly. I think a Carrot Cake is gonna get you pissed a fuck ton faster than a rum and coke... And it also happens to taste like carrot cake, so it ends up being harder to pace yourself as well because the shooter's smooth and you almost don't feel the alcohol.