Just measured my room freq.response, how to improve?


They call me Juha
May 15, 2005
Espoo, Finland

So I guess it's not too bad for a completely untreated room, but the 80 Hz and 160 Hz (same cause most likely) dips look a bit worrying. Same for the highest frequencies, around 16+ kHz. Oh and those bass boosts between the dips :p

What sort of treatment is in order, doctor(s)? :) I guess the high frequency drop indicates there's too much naturally deadening stuff in the room (a big CD case setup and a bookshelf with about 30 books), but how about the bass dips?

So I guess it's not too bad for a completely untreated room, but the 80 Hz and 160 Hz (same cause most likely) dips look a bit worrying. Same for the highest frequencies, around 16+ kHz. Oh and those bass boosts between the dips :p

What sort of treatment is in order, doctor(s)? :) I guess the high frequency drop indicates there's too much naturally deadening stuff in the room (a big CD case setup and a bookshelf with about 30 books), but how about the bass dips?

the dips in the bass-region come from standing waves (roommodes).

basstraps is the only solution
bass traps, bass traps, bass traps... wait a minute - yeah, bass traps!

that should be fine for the first treatment, maybe some tuned bass traps aswell, but i'd go withbroadband first.

get as many of them as possible.
What program did you use to measure your room?

If anyone else knows a program that does this please let me know. I would like ot test my room because I'm about to add more 703 and i kinda want to do a before and after test.
What program did you use to measure your room?

Rightmark Audio Analyzer. It's free (though Avast reports it featuring malware): http://audio.rightmark.org/index_new.shtml

The mic was the aforementioned Behringer ECM8000. Despite what you think of Behringer, a measurement mic is basically the same regardless who manufactures it, as it is probably the most basic electronic gadget you can make, even by yourself. It either works or doesn't, and it's just as flat in curve.