Just met Blind Guardian!


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
Hey guys,

Blind Guardian just made an appearance at Vintage Vinyl music store in Fords, New Jersey. They were very cool guys and were signing anything that the fans brought in. Maybe 25-30 people showed up. They were very nice and respectful when signing autographs. I had them sign my "Somewhere Far Beyond" and "A Night At The Opera" cd booklets.

After the signing Hansi stood around and talked with the fans. The rest of the guys actually went around the store and were picking up cd's that they wanted. The one dude who's name I forgot actually had several Van Halen cd's in his hand that he appeared to be buying.

After the signing they took off for Old Bridge, NJ for their show tonight. My cousin and I are going to see them this Saturday night in NYC.
thats awsome! i wish they were doing a signing around here =\
...and no, i don't need your condolences because BG kick ass!
