Just my first mix here! (Don´t kill me I´m a beginner xD)


Dec 23, 2009
My cave

So...here´s my first try!!

Bass and Guitar played by myself
(Sorry for this I am just a 30 years old beginner learning by my own xD)

Some info...

It starts with bass DI unprocessed at same volume to let you compare..

Bass (true cheap ibanez bass) is 3 tracks:

(1) for DI for subbass with Lowpass at 200 and sidechain compresor (uses de kick to reduce de subbass en de kicks come)

(2) with the new TSE B.O.D. BETA 0.9 (Thanks Onquel!!)
you can download it here
Lecab 2 with bass cabs and EQ with Hipass at 500 and Lowpass at 4500

(3) with Onquel´s TSE X30, Lecab 2 with bass cabs and same EQ than (2)

Guitars (cheap ibanez guitar with Blackout Metal pickups) are quadtracked
PAN: 100/80/80/100
Amps 50% Lepou´s Lecto and 50% Onquel´s TSE X30
Lecab 2 with some guitar impulses.
Lots of EQ.

Drums S.D.2 (MetalFoundry sounds) + kick and snare blended with some sample and losts of comp and EQ.

And lots of vsts...

This is and unfinished song/idea!

Hope you like it! I love you all!!
One thing..
Guitar chain is similar to this one: (here you have screens)
Triscore, if you read this.. thanks!(gracias!)

Maybe anyone wants to sound like this xD
But if you want to know here you have some more info..

My B.O.D. Bass Track screenshot..

TSEx30 bass track Screenshot..

I almost forget! Here you have my lecto guitar presets..

Merry christmas! (thanks for this gif Onquel ;D)
Just as a tip, I'd raise the input knob on the Lecto to full, I dunno if that's what anyone else does but it tends to make my tone a bit more saturated rather than using the gain knob. Actually I usually just pull the mids down a little and leave all the other knobs at high noon, with maybe a little trebs if my strings are getting on in age. Also, if your computer can handle it, throw it up to 8x oversampling (and the TSE808 on 4x). Not a real significant difference but maybe it'll give you a slight boost in overall tonal quality. They dont sound bad at all. The position of your guitar track's bass knob irks me, though.

Your sub bass track seems too sub-y, I'd hp it a bit higher and add more bass to the guitars instead. Overall the bass didn't do too much for me, but maybe you're going for that tinny top end on it. [shrug]

I love you too.
Hi.Lower the kick and snare and raise the guitars.

Hi Clint! :kickass:Thanks for your answer! I´ll try this! ;)

Just as a tip, I'd raise the input knob on the Lecto to full, I dunno if that's what anyone else does but it tends to make my tone a bit more saturated rather than using the gain knob. Actually I usually just pull the mids down a little and leave all the other knobs at high noon, with maybe a little trebs if my strings are getting on in age. Also, if your computer can handle it, throw it up to 8x oversampling (and the TSE808 on 4x). Not a real significant difference but maybe it'll give you a slight boost in overall tonal quality. They dont sound bad at all. The position of your guitar track's bass knob irks me, though.

Your sub bass track seems too sub-y, I'd lp it a bit higher and add more bass to the guitars instead. Overall the bass didn't do too much for me, but maybe you're going for that tinny top end on it. [shrug]

I love you too.

Lot of info in your words! Thank you man!:popcorn:
Well.. I think the same with the input, I have some psp mixpressor before all, so the guitar comes with saturation to the distortion, I will test more with input.:grin:

I will try with more oversampling when I have my song almost finished (but I can´t allmost tweak the sounds xD) and maybe my computer will die or maybe not xD

My knob irks you? Haha :Saint:
Well I have no idea of this, you know? I only move this knobs and listen... and when I do this very long this things happen xD

I will try changing my LPASS and listen what´s happen..:)

Years ago I compose music with trackers and 8bit samples and that was easier. Sound was not a problem but now this is diferent, I guess xD

Google traductor: I love you too. xD
Actually I meant hipass on the non distorted bass track, I'm tired from being up all night yesterday. :) Actually I had no idea this B.O.D. thang existed, may give it a shot soon.

Yes the traductor is quite awesome. Saved me many a time the Empire was after me. Made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs too.