´s my first try!!
Bass and Guitar played by myself
(Sorry for this I am just a 30 years old beginner learning by my own

Some info...
It starts with bass DI unprocessed at same volume to let you compare..
Bass (true cheap ibanez bass) is 3 tracks:
(1) for DI for subbass with Lowpass at 200 and sidechain compresor (uses de kick to reduce de subbass en de kicks come)
(2) with the new TSE B.O.D. BETA 0.9 (Thanks Onquel!!)
you can download it here
Lecab 2 with bass cabs and EQ with Hipass at 500 and Lowpass at 4500
(3) with Onquel´s TSE X30, Lecab 2 with bass cabs and same EQ than (2)
Guitars (cheap ibanez guitar with Blackout Metal pickups) are quadtracked
PAN: 100/80/80/100
Amps 50% Lepou´s Lecto and 50% Onquel´s TSE X30
Lecab 2 with some guitar impulses.
Lots of EQ.
Drums S.D.2 (MetalFoundry sounds) + kick and snare blended with some sample and losts of comp and EQ.
And lots of vsts...
This is and unfinished song/idea!
Hope you like it! I love you all!!