Just ordered Transcendental!!!


New Metal Member
Aug 9, 2005
This has to be the quickest I've made a decision on a band I've never heard of before. Less than 15 minutes ago I read a review of the debut on Sea Of Tranquility and was suitably impressed and intrigued. After listening to the two songs available for download I could only agree with the review and buy the cd. It's also worth mentioning that the price on the cd is killer. IMO the only competition you guys have for debut of the year is Outworld and Thessera. I just love how original you guys are and how you incorporate all these disparate influences so smoothly. It's also nice to have a band with a female vocalist that isn't another Lacuna Coil/Nightwish/Within Temptation ripoff. It's times like this that remind me why I spend so much time scouring the net for new music. Of course, I don't even have the cd yet, so Im sure I'll be back with more praise later.

cool, I will order from the end records if I don't see if available at my local cd store when I go there tonight for the midnight new release thing they do each Monday night as I pick up the new Type O negative. Thanks for the response!:headbang: