Just put 48V through my SM57...


more metal, more booze!!!
stupid me, i had the phantom power switched on on the channel i just plugged in an SM57, i didnt do any recording as i realised my mistake a couple of minutes later whilst setting up a DI box.

Main question is, will i have damaged it much? ive just done a test recording of a reamp track with it, and with the same track i used an impulse i made a while back applied to the preamp track i recorded and the two sound the same, so im guessin i havent done it too much harm???
No worries, you didn't damage the microphone at all. Most dynamic mics aren't affected by phantom power in any way unless they're already damaged. For example, my Firepod has eight mic pres, and phantom is toggled in channel groups 1-4 and 5-8, so it's pretty much impossible to feed only the condensers +48V when micing drums etc.
Some mics are damaged by phantom power though (a lot of ribbons, I've heard), so always good to be careful!
what everyone else said

its not a problem at all, although im curious as to whether it would affect the sound at all. probably not because i have recorded drums with the firepod 1-4 phantom on and tom`s sounded fine miced with 57`s into input 3-4

ribbons + phontom power = big no no
Yeah, I leave 48v engaged on every channel of both my 8Pre and my Saffire Pro regardless of what mic is plugged in. I have never noticed, nor should there be any, audible differences with it on or off on dynamic mics.

You will notice that some Mixers only have 1 Phantom Power button that applys to channels 1-8, 9-16 etc.

It never hurts anything except Ribbon Mics.

The only thing you do want to do is turn phantom power off before plugging in a Phantom Powered Mic.
And when unplugging a phantom powered mic too ;) Also, it's good to turn it off and wait a minute or two for the power to drain so the capacitor (meaning, diaphragm) of the mic can drain its charge, otherwise it can potentially attract dust
Yeah not too much to worry about there. My first 57, I built a custom cable for it & got hot & neutral mixed up at one end.... Then wondered for the next couple years why guitars never sounded good through it. DOH! :yuk:
Any quality ribbon mic will be protected from Phantom Power in it's design.
Royer mics and cascade mics are phantom power safe.
The CAD Trion 7000 is not protected (which might lead you to make decisions on the quality)
Any quality ribbon mic will be protected from Phantom Power in it's design.
Royer mics and cascade mics are phantom power safe.
The CAD Trion 7000 is not protected (which might lead you to make decisions on the quality)

Yeah exactly. Even older ribbons are fine if they are properly cared for and have good cabling. Most older neve consoles don't have phantom power switches..it's just on all the time.

I still wouldn't risk it, but the "phantom power destroys mics" story is way way way over blown....it does happen...but VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY rarely.
yeah its fine with dynamics- accidentaly had phantom power the channel group I was using with my ribbon mic( t bone rb100) and I figured I might have broken it, didn't though!