Just Recorded / Produced A Friends Band - Opinions Needed


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
So I have spent the last year producing an album for some friends in my home studio. They are 2 young kids 20 and 22 (Hey Im 34 thats young so piss off!).

Just wanted to get some opinions on what you thought of it. They are heavily influenced by 80s thrash metal, and I think they got a solid set of songs with some really good ideas.

I posted 5 Tracks in .wav format (Big but I am trying to get opinions of audiophiles as well, and they all cry foul when you post MP3's...lol)

If you got a slow connection there are 2 songs up on my MySpace page http://www.myspace.com/guitarguru777

Any and all opinions would be appreciated

.wav files are at http://www.jasoncohenitservices.com/babilos
Myspace rapes everything it touches. Wavs are where?

Edit: From the myspace listening on the speakers in my macbook pro, the vocals sound a little too prominent for my tastes. The vocalist also needs to enunciate better. And there doesn't seem to be much low end (especially in the guitar) but that's probably the shit built in speakers and I don't have my good cans with me to check it out.
yeah thats probably the laptop speakers lemme give it a listen theres speakers have TOO much bass so hopefully if its tinny it will sound normal :p

EDIT: no they still don't have much low end (but def enough) but the bass and drums definitely have enough to make up for it.

did you trigger the whole kit?
Yes we had to trigger the entire kit unfortunately, Kinda sucks his drums just sound like ass. These kids dont have alot of cash....lol

.wav files are at http://www.jasoncohenitservices.com/babilos

Les Paul w/ Duncan JB's
Peavey Valveking 50w Combo
My late 60s Marshall w/ V30s (I replaced the originals so sue me :P)
Mic was an Audix i5

Warlock 5 String ran through a Tube Screamer direct to board

Kick: Best Kick On Earth Sample
Snare: From Andy Sneaps Forum
Toms: Andy Sneaps Chimira Toms
Cymbals: Sabian AAX's
Hats:(Sound Replaced w/ Drumagog) from DFH (Was not an easy process..lol)

Overall I think it came you pretty bad ass for my first full on production.
i have been whoring this out as of late but i used to mess with the best kick on earth sample and the sneap samples as well, but i got a new program called Steven Slate Drums and they are incredible, really easy to use with a trigger setup (came ready to use right out of the box with my unknown low quality electric kit) and the samples are amazing there are plenty of samples on the site www.stevenslatedrums.com but heres something me and a friend are working on at the moment


it's not near done yet but this is what we have so far
I don't like it much sorry. There's just not that explosive boom that I hear in so many heavy albums. In case you can't tell I know almost nothing about the technical aspect, all I know is the drums sound weak except the kickdrum (even that is a tiny bit weak), the guitar sounds really hollow like it's on the neck pickup and has no power or something, it needs to be way more in your face and punching you in the nuts. The solos sound good and if the mix was better could totally be asskicking, the vocals didn't bother me except I didn't like the guys singing, production wise they were fine to me; again back to the concept of everything needs to be bigger and more explosive.
Hey Enemy, thats some of the most useful feedback I have gotten. Not kidding either. I hear what your saying for sure.

FYI sometimes its the non technical comments that give the best feedback. Honestly I would rather hear the "listeners" opinion then the "professional" opinion cause all the pros talk technobabble ...lol

Thanks many I appreciate it :)
yeah the drums do sound weak but really there isn't much you can do with a triggered kit, especially since i think those particular samples are all one velocity.
Ya i just ordered Slate EX, so Ill be redoing the drums this weekend if it ever lets me download it ....lol From there i will tweak where necessary. I am just hoping I dont have to redo guitars. Personally I am not a fan of his vocals either, but not much I can do its how he sings. The song writing just impresses the shit out of me though