Just saw Strapping Young Lad!!! whoo!


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
*pardon the oral monologue* But i'm so happy!
My ears are still ringing with joy! :tickled:
The show was sweet! The doors opened at around 8pm and we got back at about 4am.

The bands that played were:
Gunmetal Grey (it was their first show.. I thought they were great)
Misery Signals (meh
Agony Scene (they were ok)
and STRAPPING YOUNG LAD (oh happy day!) \m/

My life is complete! I got sweat flung in my eye (from that misery signals guy), and I saw JEN get her FACE HUMPED by Devin Townsend!! :Spin: Oh yea...and I finally saw Gene Hoglan in person.....and watched him beat the living shit out of those drums.. 0_9
And he touched my pinkie finger! whoo!

Life is sweet

I was going to give Devin this random little goldfish keychain thing...but after watching him blow snot all over the stage etc etc...I decided against it.
I thought he would probably bite me :>

I didn't get to meet them, though:cry: I'm shy, so maybe it was better that I didn't. I just spared myself the panic attack.
But one day..ONE DAY..I will meet somebody. Preferably before I die.
they shaved dev's head to make him exude sexuality for the wildhearts tour, but the problem is that he isnt a sexy guy lol. keep the long hair. tho the bald pics for the infinity photo shoot (his best album ever) kinda give it a weird, zen-like vibe.
Oh yea, here's the setlist (sorta...from what I remember)

*Some freaky intro*
Shit Storm
All hail the new flesh
Oh my fucking god
In The Rainy Season

I don't think they played Far Beyond Metal...hmm