Just so you know


New Metal Member
Jul 27, 2010
To Chris:

I've been a long time fan of Megadeth but to be more precise, a fan of all the great guitar legends the band has brought in to the fold over the years. Of course once I had heard Megadeth had yet ANOTHER new guitarist I had to check it out live for myself. I saw you play in London, Ontario up close, I wasn't too far from the stage and watched what you were doing, I've since incorporated some of your techniques into my own style of playing and everyone agrees my playing has changed for the better because of it. I was always partial to Marty Friedman and always hoped someone would be able to come along and take his place, but you haven't done that, you've instead claimed your very own spot on stage and made yourself a staple with Megadeth! In years to come no one will even think about Marty being the Megadeth guitarist who shaped the band instead it will be Chris Broderick who helped Morph the band into a new direction that caught the attention of the whole world. Now, that being said I wanted to know....where the hell do you find time to practice everyday....I have a hard enough time doing reps a couple hours a day but I hear you are prone to practice up to 6 hours a day, is that even possible?? Anyhow I may just have to take some online lessons to figure out the rest of your techniques....thanks for being you.

whoa....Marty is marty....now...come on!
Chris is awesome, beyond amazing....true...
Marty is awesome, beyond amazing....wrote his parts for RIP through Risk.
lets not jup to conclusions here, marty is megadeth's lead guitar player, he wrote the bulk of material for the lead guitarists. Megadeth may never have a set lead guitar player, but if you ask me, marty was the closest they came.