A few playing questions for Chris

Alternate Reality

New Metal Member
Jun 4, 2009
Hey Chris hows it going I have a few guitar questions for you

1. Which megadeth guitarist has a style very similiar to you and why?

2. How has your solo work on the new megadeth album solo wise differ from the solo work you did in jag panzer?

3. Which megadeth guitarist solo wise was the hardest for you to get down when you were learning the megadeth catalog?

4. What guitar techniques have you really been focusing on lately?

5. And finally what players in the current scene do you think are awesome players and worth checking out?
These are all good questions, except number 3. I doubt any of the other guitarists solos were challenging for Chris. Have you heard him play? I mean there are good guitarists, and then there is Chris. :notworthy
IMO Marty was the best guitarist that had ever been in Megadeth but Nevermore! :kickass: