A few questions for chris, and some personal opinions, pls answer :)


Nuno Bettencourt?
Dec 23, 2011
Santa Fe, Argentina

1. i wanna know if your thumbpicks or wathever you call them are coming to argentina.

2. why you didnt write your own solos for some the the TH1RT3EN tracks?, personally i think you are better than drover or marty, i was expecting a great solo on black swan.

3. now we are close to 2012, are u considering a solo album? if you are its gonna be neoclassical metal right? :D

4. what's the hardest solo for you in endgame and th1rt3en??

5. what do you think of rhythm skills of nuno bettencourt? :grin:

ill tell you what i think of your guitar work on endgame, i think endgame is hands down megadeth's fastest nd best record, my favorite track is how the story ends, specially for that great solo.

on th1rt3en i think you guitar work was kinda.. effortless, sorry if im wrong thats just my opinion & my favorite solo there is public enemy no1

YOU SHOULD MAKE TABS (guitar pro, tux guitar or powertab) FOR ENDGAME AND TH1RT3EN SOLOS AND POST THEM IN www.ultimate-guitar.com seriously ur solos are kinda hard to tab by normal humans like us

i might look like a bootlicker with all this but dude you are great.. nd pls answer my questions ¬
Hey, here is Chris:

1: Only to the northern parts of Argentina

2: I did, dude

3: I would, but the end of the world is too close

4: the dancing part in "I love cheese"

5: better than his teeth brushing skills

btw: I'm not really Chris, but it's my hobby pretending to be him

Yours, Chirs
And I LOLed hard when I read that! D

answer 5. is priceless! :D
btw Naviersito, why do you think that Chris did not write his solos?

I can answer question 1: the pic clips will be available through his website, check the other thread about this!
im not saying he didnt write any solo on that album but if u listen to the demos that dave recorded with marty and drover or any other past guitarist chris is just playing the same nd im saying that i think he is much better than any guitarist that ever was in megadeth and he could play/make better things :dopey:
Hey, here is Chris:

1: Only to the northern parts of Argentina

2: I did, dude

3: I would, but the end of the world is too close

4: the dancing part in "I love cheese"

5: better than his teeth brushing skills

btw: I'm not really Chris, but it's my hobby pretending to be him

Yours, Chirs

LMFAO..... Thanks man..