Just thought I'd share this


May 6, 2003
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This is a song I did back in 2012 with guitarist Jerry Swanson. I did this song coming out of 8 years of retirement and after doing this going back into retirement. So I am not looking for a record deal or band mates. I'm just sharing this song just for the sake of sharing it. I was a little rusty at the vox after not singing anything for 8 straight years. I gave up singing because I'm a Christian influenced by the more vocal oriented European bands. But being a Christian in the metal world is a very hard job description which is why I gave up singing altogether. The song linked below is not a studio recording. So don't freak out at me when you hear imperfections. But its the only original song I ever did and believe me, I wanted to write many originals but bands often like to drown themselves in covers and nothing gets done which is the other reason why I gave up singing. But temporarily coming out of retirement for this one song wasn't so bad as it turned out pretty good for being a little home recording. Maybe you like the song maybe you don't. I hope you do enjoy it. Just sharing this song...not looking for a record deal.

You have a great voice for metal, that's for sure. I've never had a problem with Christian metal. First and foremost I just care whether I like the sound of a song.
You have a great voice for metal, that's for sure. I've never had a problem with Christian metal. First and foremost I just care whether I like the sound of a song.

Thanks Bloopy. That is the only original I ever did that actually got recorded. What was hard about the song is that anything and everything that could go wrong during a recording went wrong. But despite the problems we had the song turned out pretty good overall. The guitarist, who also did the drum machine, bass and the mixing of this song, is an atheist. The subject of the song was his idea but the lyrics are mine. So we worked together on the song and finished it.

I have listened to a wide variety of music through the years and, generally speaking, enjoy the sound and melody of artists more than the lyrics. But when I write a song I write from deep within which means my faith as a Christian must come out in the song as that is who I am and I won't write against my own faith.

I live in a real bad area of good metal music. I was lucky to get this song done. I have written some real damn good metal songs and none of those songs ever got finished. So I got so disgusted with getting nothing done I just throw in the towel. I hate wasting time doing nothing. I have to be a productive person or I go crazy. I'm just not one of those people who want to be all talk and no do. There are too many people where I live who talk a lot but do nothing.
You have a great voice for metal, that's for sure. I've never had a problem with Christian metal. First and foremost I just care whether I like the sound of a song.

For me it depends. I don't care about the artists religious views unless its black metal but I don't like music that goes out of its way to preach something I disagree with unless its exceptionally good music.