This is a song I did back in 2012 with guitarist Jerry Swanson. I did this song coming out of 8 years of retirement and after doing this going back into retirement. So I am not looking for a record deal or band mates. I'm just sharing this song just for the sake of sharing it. I was a little rusty at the vox after not singing anything for 8 straight years. I gave up singing because I'm a Christian influenced by the more vocal oriented European bands. But being a Christian in the metal world is a very hard job description which is why I gave up singing altogether. The song linked below is not a studio recording. So don't freak out at me when you hear imperfections. But its the only original song I ever did and believe me, I wanted to write many originals but bands often like to drown themselves in covers and nothing gets done which is the other reason why I gave up singing. But temporarily coming out of retirement for this one song wasn't so bad as it turned out pretty good for being a little home recording. Maybe you like the song maybe you don't. I hope you do enjoy it. Just sharing this song...not looking for a record deal.