just tried Amplitube2


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
Just tried Amplitube2 at a friends Studio, unfortunately I didn't have much time, so just went with a preset and noodled some improvised stuff over a backing i got for a guitar battle...

anyways, I would not use it for "real" recordings, but I think it might be cool to play your solos or whatever at home and then reamp the tracks later thru your real amp...

The Presets seem to be ok, too...
here's the file i just recorded:

LSD is playing sloppy shit on his strat to check out AMpl2

(I know, sloppy playing (esp the sweep and shred-parts) and boring solo....just had to do it on the fly..)

I kinda dig the sound for soloing though....

what do you guys think, is Ampl2 that much better than the free vst plugins (guitarsuite etc) that it's worth the ~300€?
I used it on a mix I did a while back, I think it was an old mix challenge song, anyway here it is. I think it sounds pretty decent for an amp simulator plug.



Wow! How the hell did you get that kinda distortion out of it? I have it and fail everytime to get a decent sound, lack of gain with far too much scoop is all I can acheive :(
Impressive results, guys! Thanks for posting that, this is infinitely better sounding than the old Amplitube (which was fucking HORRIBLE!!!)

Honestly this sounds as good as POD XT to me, which is the highest praise I can give to an amp modeler. I'm very impressed and I will have to give this product a go myself.
I used a trial version of Amplitube 2 on the solo I submitted for Steve Smyth's forum solo contest and was impressed with how easy it was to get the sound I was after - considering I was very badly pressed for time that came very well appreciated. I can't yet say what solo is mine, but names will be revealed after voting.

That said, I'm going to get this impulse thing worked out and not worry about cab sims from Amplitube pretty soon, so I'm sure it'll only get better then.

thanks for the compliments guys I really appreciate it. Well the guitars were just clean, intended for reamping, but I didn't have an amp at the time so I was just forced to use this. I basically just tweaked around with it until it sounded good. There are 4 guitar tracks, 2 per side. All that was on them was the amplitube plug and a high pass at 70 hz I took some screen shots of the settings for each channel, let me know if you guys have any more questions or w/e, thanks again!



I got Amplitube 2 recently and got some decent results.


I just went straight into my Delta 66 (no DI) with my Ibanez 750DX with stock IBZ/Dimarzio F2 pups. In amplitube, I added the Overscream (Tube Screamer copy) pedal (D-9:00, L-12:00, T-10:30)...then Modern Tube Lead pre (gain a little over halfway up), Tube Lead EQ (B-10 [not 10:00, but 10], M-7, H-8.4, pres-10). Volume all the way up...assuming it accounts for tube saturation, which I don't know if it does. Cabs A and B are 4x12 closed modern, both with a 57...one near, one far. Both on axis. Finally, Tube compressor in the rack. Drive-5.42db, Attack-60ms, Release-387ms, Ratio-1.5. Out Level at about 11:00. I turned the master in the bottom right most of the way down, if that matters.

Oh yeah...and I used DFH EZ Drummer for drums. No bass...sorry.
Yeah, I have to set the master way down because I don't use a compressor or limiter in that, and then I compress afterwards. I can never get a sound out of the 57 on-axis that I like, without high-passing the fuck out of everything, and to be honest I'd recommend disabling that speaker emulation and using an impulse from the board, but that's not bad.

Have you tried reducing gain but putting in the compressor stomp? I don't like the way Amplitube does 'fizz' so I do that often.
